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Uncharted 3, GTA V, and YouTube Channel.

Well I might as well start writing some blogs on this....I should also get a avatar for my account. Well anyways just last week I went up to New York City to play in the Uncharted 3 ACM Theater Event. It was Loads of fun and got to meet one of those 7 year old kids that is kicking everyones ass online. This Kid was destroying everyone left and right and big theater screen 3D! It was fun my team that you are randomly put on won are first match but lost a second in overtime by one kill in the last 10 seconds. I kinda felt bad because I know i completely choked that game and if I did as good as I did in the first round we would have won at least that round. They were giving away prizes from signed penny arcade UC3 posters, which i won, to PS3 official headset and an uncharted 3 controller. I wanted that controller so bad. But all in all it was a fun time no new news was released there besides the small vinyl figures that this one dude is making for UC3. They game the very first one of it's kind away there only in New York because thats where the guy that makes them lives. Once i make a random ass video of my time in New York i will upload it for my first Youtube video. I'll give links later. I'll be getting the game in the mail sometime this week so i will most likely review it for anyone that cares about my opinion.

The next thing I wanna Talk about is the announcement of GTA V!!!!! I know I was peeing my pants and giggling like a 12 year old when i heard the news about the trailer coming out on Nov 2nd. All the thoughts of what it would be! My vote if it's gonna be a place we already been before let it be San Andreas. If it's a completely new place i say go D.C. or Detroit. But I really don't care where it is as long as it's as fun ass all the other GTA games i've played. There is also rumor that it might be coming out as a Wii U launch title. This i could see ending up like china town wars when i played it. Spend 1 hour on doing the main mission then get in to the drug dealing... and never stop. I can't explain how many times i started up that game and was going to play the main mission then saw that some guy was selling **** for cheap or I had something that someone wanted really bad so I would go and sell them my stuff. Then once you start you just keep doing on hours on end. I'm not that far into the game and i probably have more money then most people do when they beat the game. But back to the main subject of GTA V and that is What the hell is it going to be about! I have no idea i liked the gang wars it was fun. If you have a thought leave it in the comments.

Last thing I wanted to talk about is that me and a couple of my friends are gonna start up a YouTube Gaming Channel with all kinds of stuff from Gameplay to random videos of us being stupid in game and pretty much anything we can think of. One of my friends that will be doing this isMrJack3690. Heis decently active in Game Spot community, meaning since him and me have gotten full time jobs this is all we do all day at work, so you might have seen him around on the forms. So Go check his page out and even track him or befriend him, but i understand if you just want to be the creepy lurker that reads all his post but never comments. Me and him will let you know when we get our channel up in the mean time check out his youtube channel of him playing the uncharted 3 beta and being a total newb by aiming and no where near smashing the square button enough.