3.Sonic-You see I am one of thoose guys who enjoyed Falco and Fox in the last game i love the speed of the charchters and sonic looks really fun to play.I am a sonic fan so im glad they got him this time around so thats why sonic is in my top 3.
2.Bowser-Bowser is one of my favorite mario charchters i am really excited to see how he plays in this game.His FS Meta Bowser looks so cool.one of my favorite things about this is that you can pretty much get 3 kills in just a couple hits so i am very excited tgo play bowser.
1.Mario- Mario looks freakin insane this time around espically with his old pal from sunshine mario looks like he can do some major damage
So thats my small portion of my SSBB top 3 see you around an I cant wait for this game.
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