Two Words on what i hate the most in any video game imaginable: SCREEN CHEATING. My friend thinks its a strategy, and thinks he's better than me at halo 2, but how? He looks at my screen to get a quick look at where i'm at. By the time i notice he's looking off my screen, he's got me pinned down with a sniper rifle. Its also bad with other games too. I tried a game with out him screen cheating, and i beat him, plus, he actually slipped in acouple of looks to my screen while i wasnt looking. If you screen cheat, and think your better than someone. Throw your 2nd controller out the window and pick up xbox live, and see what happens when you cant cheat. P.S. IT IS NOT CALLED SCREEN LOOKING, SCREEN LOOKING IS FOR PEOPLE WHO THINK THIS IS A STRATEGY
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