I don't understand why people argue about exclusives going to another console. It almost like a toddler saying "It mine all mine" god grow up a little will ya.
it never really been about graphics to me more on gameplay and the feel of a certain console. i can play crono trigger or ffvii and have the best time playing and the graphics suck compare to now. i think if a fan boy had both systems they wouldn't express so much anger towards another console. no one wants they're system to be second to any other and that why you have conflict between systems owners. I have a 360 and personalily i love it.
is also about the game creator and the engine they use. It not even about the system they're on The console owner says "here are specs, use how ever much of it as posable" the game creator are the ones to blame for really crappy graphics example: Star war fore unlease for the wii was a direct port from the ps2. the graphic sucked could they had made it better?yup. I think it was the lazyness of the designer. you feel me?
@leekong not everyone is into metal gear solid ( I wonder why not ) but its true. fable 2 and gears of war 1 and 2 were great exclusive. GAME CONSOLE ARE LIKE WOMEN. some like a lil meat on the bones some guys get turn on being able to see a women rib cage. Some guys hate big assets. it all about personal taste. next time someone talk smack about your system if you just say "hey this is my personal preference" they won't know what to say and they will feel so stupid. TRUST!
@tmorales509 maybe they purchased the arcade which is 199.99 maybe they bought the ps3 with a bundle.... point is, people are always quick to knock a system just because of the price. if both systems were 100 bucks or less they're would barely be any arguments and that the sad truth. not to say people can't afford it but maybe they just don't want to pay that much.. you feel me???
My opinion is make your own opinion. I think people who own only ps3 are angry because they paid sooo much more for they're system but it basically the same. you pay twice the amount of the xbox360 but yet it not twice as advance. yet xbox has so many addition charges while the ps3 doesn't. I have both and I feel comfortable playing some game on certain systems ps3 for my madden and soon my sf4 xbox360 shooters and racing and other online games there no clear winner nor loser. is all based on personal preference. so stop fighting. respect your gaming brothen
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