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Operation Flashpoint getting alot of hate... and push ups!

Wow, I was checking out the Operation Flashpoint website and damn, that games getting alot of hate on consoles. I can see why, but then again, I also have trouble... If it sounds stupid I'll break it down for you.

Most people want instance action (Call of Duty) style game player, they don't want the realistic stuff, so they approach Flashpoint with the wrong mentality. Last night playing with a Marine buddy of mine we had to lead-frog from tree to tree while trying to get ourselves OUT of an engagement we wouldn't win while also trying to evade air patrols... to me thats exciting and realistic. Now these other kids I was playing with prior complained "My guys cardio sucks." ... while we just got done sprinting 400meters all out with 70lbs of gear... if anything they gave up a bit of movement for the sake of gameplayer. Playing on hardcore is GREAT! Nothing better. You've got to keep a mental note of your north and south headings so enemies being called out you'll have a chance to zone in on. Getting up ambushes, hitting and falling back, leaving the enemies blind - the game lets you do all that if you know how. My frustation sets in with the AI. I got a big bone to pick with my squad. The bastards rarely enter a structure and dig in when I tell them you - the medic is using his own supply and will only aid you when its a good time for him, they open fire on people they really shouldn't be able to see (eagle eye guys.) along with the enemy AI engaging us back in a smiliar manner. Besides the frustation of that I can look on to see the games real good. People also complain about the graphics - which is annoying. They don't seem to take into account how big this open world is - and that you can walk every inch of it if your heart desires. The weapons are great, the sounds are wonderful. I highly enjoy the game.

Now for push ups! Still haven't started working on yours? Be abit more healthy without the gym, without any cost what so ever, just your body-weight... check it out fatty.

Simple Fitness 101