Deanna_T / Member

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A new Firefly? come quick! everyone! is this true!?

can someone comfirm this? is this true?


this morning in the metal arts, i was super hyper on rc cola, when i began to babble about quantam leap...some how that got the teacher to speak about ff. i've never seen ff, but told him some info i know from the show from this website.

he told me that the ppl [polly producers] from that show have been in communication wit him off and on for sometime...for a new spin-off show.

they cant find the person who used to set designs and wht not...they might want my teach to do/help wif ship controls, weapons, set props, etc. he dident tell me any more...i couldent get him to keep talking..but they might want him to do creations for them... info still pending...will try to get him to keep talking.

my metal art teacher is beyond AWESOME in metal art. scary, unholy, good at wht he does...perfect silver rings in a 1 hour lecture, pefrect wax rings, flawless earings, flawless bracelets, mind bending metalic figuerines, orginal creations like metal cups, candle holders, etc. he also does stuff w/leather, springs, cooper, etc. he's been featured in some metal art/jewerly magazines, and currently has work showing the in the measum of contemporty art in houston.

100% true story--NO LIES!!

teach name: thats a secrect for the mean time...

if he does get this job, it would have an honor and a privledege to have been his student, even if it was just a semester--fate happans...maybe i was went to take that class and not a spanish...i dont know...but it's been an honor to be his student--reguardless.