so i was blogging last nite when mother dedicated to unplug the phone cord we use for dail-up. leaving me in the middle of a blog and w/o a chance to log out. :evil:
so plz dont feel bad because i didn't visit your blogs, it was unintentional ;).
as of now, i'm on the school comp and my accout at home is still open. will logout first thing when i get home.
so i broke the washer...
no's still under warranty & the thing is only 7 yrs old.
it was sunday. i was half asleep and accidentally put 6 towels and 4 sheets in the basket. mother, being the "insistor" as she is, made me go buy some bottled water. the 5 mins. that i was gone was all it took for the washing machine for kupoof. u_u
as soon as a i get back, the maid comes running out waving her hands ( i'm deaf) and saying something in spanish that the washingmachine has busted.
the luandy room smells, the thing is smoking, and the wash is still soapy.
mother freaks out, goes on a tyrade, makes me hand rinse the clothes, then she has me carry a very heavy beasket with the basket w/the wet wash so i can "feel what the maching machine went though" yea i want to risk a hernina. get real. so i put the clothes in 2 baskets and dragged it outside while she is just there yelling, and of course i'm not listening and not eveing caring.
as i was rinsing the washs outside, the maid takes over and we put the wash on the line.
i call the sears service line. turns out the account is in another number. THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN HELPFUL B4 CALLING. so i change the number, and set up a service date. turns out that the only opening is for thrusday the 21. u_u
mother camplains and calls sears again. she claims that i dident call, WHEN I DID!, the ppl search for grandmas name for 20 mins because of the number change and then she says "i waited 20 mins for them to tell me what you told me" WELL NO ****.
so no i have to go laudromat. hahahahaha laudromat in the inner city..hahahaha. good plan. i'll hide in a washing machine when the dude with the knife walks in. good. good idea. i'll go alone and try to make eye contant with all the ppl there. heck, i'll even "borrow" soap from lady with the 6 kids. yes. excellant. get real.
i'm hoping father will take me to wash at his house instead. i'd rather go there and use the net instead of having to sit around for 20 mins. x_x