i'm so depressed right now. an entire month of sawing, sanding, torching, filing, compressing, cleaning, drawing, cutting the whale design out on resign wood, all for nothing. who knew that putting a hallow suatted together whale cutout would flatten by the jaws of the thing that you put rods in to saw [ i dont rember the name of it right now]. all i want to do was file the egdes of the whale. the wooden hand grip would slide everytime i would try to sand, then i got this random idea to put the whale in the jaws thing to keep it still. aparntly that was a bad idea since the whale is hallow and the closing of the jaws thing made it kinda flat.
now i havta start all over again. luckly i made a replacement piece of the whale cut that has been *compressed already. the 2nd piece has already been compressed, but needs work on the tail. if i go to the nite cla$$ of tomarrow, i can finish 2 wks worth of work in 2 hours. then spring break, work extra hard in my cla$$ and in the nite cla$$ of the wk after SB & i could catch to where i was now. the whale being filed after being the edges are sawed. then back to the drawing board for the weapons & airplace part.
i'm so sad right now. :( the teach wasent mad or anything. he just told me 2 start over. he already gave me the mid term grade. i have an A, but that doesnt matter now because i worked realy hard on that whale and thought of doing it makes me kinda sick. either that or the fact that i accidently inhailed some cleaning soulution powder.
*compressed: to put a piece of metal on a mold and put it under 4000 psi of pressure for a certain amount of time and the piece of metal should conture and be the shape of the mold. fun, but hard work.
other news:
i'm the school mascot. we're the "stangs" [mustangs for the delicate and welbred]. green, gold, and white are the colors, &i 'm going to put green bows on the ears.
cla$$ starts soon see u later.
would you belive "cla$$" is a censored word? go figure...