what a bust...4th day with the modem only to be told over the phone that there might be something wrong with it. :evil:
day 1: i set up everything according to the instructions from the at & t cd and the paper from the modem box. ethernet cable (yellow cable) conneted to ethernet port in back of tower and modem, dsl cable (gray cable) connected to filter that is connected to the phone jack alongside phone and modem, and the modem connecteted. duringthe set up, i kept geeting an error msg saying "computer cannot find modem, check power and ethernet. um..both are connected. when the u turn the modem on, the power, the ethernet and the dsl lights are supposed to blink and keep lit. only the power and ethernet lights blink and keep lit. other times, the ethenet lite would blink and blink w/o stopping. through the entire time, the dsl light never lit up once only during start up.
i call at & t and the voice on the other line gives me all this instructions. restart modem, turn off comp, plug dsl line directly into phone jack, nothing works. then she tells me that there might be something wrong with modem. X# X# she asks how long i have had the modem and i tell "barely got it...few hrs ago.." turns out i called late and the tech place was already closed.
day2: same thing. call place. we go threw rutene nothing. transfered to tech dept. they do line checks, THE LINE WORKS...NO DUH!
day 3: same thing. no call
day 4: same thing. gonna call right and ask for a techniqien to come over.
mother doesnt wanna cancel dsl. i dont know wht is going to happen next. i'm so angry i could watch babylon 5 for the next 4 hrs. :evil:
dsl can stick it. it can kiss my betazed arse.