Deanna_T / Member

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Getting back into the swing of things & asking the tuff questions...

Dam..I start school on Monday!!!!!! N0o0o00o0o0o0o0o0o! (crying face). Not only do I start on Monday, I have a 5 day week! (another crying face). See, last (Fall) Sem I had 4 day wks and 3 day week ends ^u^! Hallenuya! Now, there is another branch of the college I attend. I go to the main one, and there is a new branch that opened up in another part of town. I heard somewhere that the teachers in my school are being stretched out and many of the main school teachers are sent to the branch to teach (true b/c on the class catalogue, diff. subjects are taught by teachers on certain days @ both schools. A counselor told me that the teachers follow their schedules like it there bible). I spent 4 hours looking at this online catalogue and noticed the early MW classes are MWF and the later ones are during the late afternoon. All this effort to decide what time I was going to sign up. I had everything planned out. The classes at the right time. But, nooooooooooooooooooo I ended up changing all the time/days of the classes originally wanted. Original; plan: Into 2 Speech- TR 915am-1050am American Lit 2- TR 1100am-1230pm General Psychology- MW 915am-1050am American History2- MW1100am-1200pm *sigh* It was a perfect plan same time for everything! Insanely the same...*sigh* The class catalogue has the same times and everything. I was planning to far ahead New plan: Into 2 Speech- TR 800am-915 American Hist2- TR 1230-150 pm (odd times I’ll get to that later) General Psychology-MWF (shame!) 900-950am Design Comm- 1100am-130pm (we get a 15 min break @ 1230 4 lunch ^u^) About those odd times. Everything is kinda spaced out b/c I want time to continue studying for History along with lunch or a nap, mainly for studying. I guess its to stressful for the teachers to teacher an hr 30 min class then drive halfway to town to teacher a class that long. so maybe that is why the early MW became MWF classes and all the TR classes stayed the same. I had second thoughts for all the lit classes, & going to leave that for summer when I'll have more time to read n such. Today, I woke up @ the ungodly hr of 630am. Why? I needed the car 2 buy the books, b/c today is the day the books are available on Financial Aid. He starts class at 815 and picked me up (I live w/mother) at 730 then it was off to his school. Luckily, my school and his school are block away, separated by a overpass where trains pass. When I got there, it was still b4 8 and hardly a soul except for some folk who haven’t registered 4 class. I did when early online registration started--HALLOWEEN DAY. Got my id validated for the sem, bought my books, went to my old high school to visit w/friends all b4 10am. =). What a day, then I came home, did some cleaning, ate lunch, watched Star Trek: TNG on Spike for 3 hours, and now here I am. =). REJOICE! All I need to be complete for Monday is: Roast Beef and Cheese slices 4 lunch (school food nazty & E-X-P-E-S-I-V-E), and a 100 count box of cereal to last me till May. So how was your day? -------------------------------------------- Asking the tuff questions. 1.Why do old ppl smell like pee? 0.o 2. How many illegitimate kids do Riker and Kirk have? 3. If Tripp would have survived that last epi. of ENT would he and T'Pol have finally made it official? If so, would T'Pol have been a definite baby machine? would their names be, besides Elizabeth and Loral (or What ever his name was. the dude from E2 season 3). Heres a list of names they'd prolly name those kids... 1. Jimmy 2. Katheryne 3. Ben 4. Marie 5. Landon 6. Janet 7. T'Vel (Vulcan male I made up) 8. T'Pan (Female Vulcan name) 9. Tray 10. Johnny (Betazoid senses sense favorite) 11. Evelyn 12. Jonathon (Named after captain) *running outa breath* That makes 14 Sorry, just had to satire something. Wht ever really happaned to Whesly Crusher? Will we ever get to see the Wraith homeworld on SG:A??? Will Bart Simpson ever grow a beard? Will Homer ever use Rogain? Should I dye my hair red? jk You decide....