Deanna_T / Member

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guess who's back....

>.> it's been ages...ages i tell you. the last ice age pasted quicker than me coming back to the site. i've been SUPER DUPER busy in the last couple of days. everything ranging to hockey games to b-day partys. ;)

before i began, i would like to send a super speical

to my lovely friends who posted nice posts on my last blog. :) i was very depressed that day & reading those msgs made me feel better.

rest of the wk:

you already know about monday.

tuesday- almost no recoltion of that day except math quiz u_u and i got a 92 on a gov. test! :D and some dumb lady told me is she jealous because i got a 92 and she got an 80 something on the test. can you say arse hat?

wensday: no memory of it ever being wensday

thursday: got a B on math quiz! :D OMG..THE GREATEST AWESOMEST NEWS EVER! the student activites director told me and "janice" that the cheerleaders get to go to the local hockey game for free and i get to THROW THE FIRST PUCK AT THE GAME!!! OMG! I GOT TO DRESS UP AS POLLY THE MUSTANG AND THROW THE IST PUCK AT THE GAME! OMG IT WAS AWESOME! AWESOME! THE HOCKEY PLAYERS ON BOTH TEAMS WERE TOTALLY HOT! :D :D :D

friday: HOCKEY GAME! HOCKEY GAME! it was supposed to be college nite, but i dont think that many ppl from my school showed up. i got to hug, high 5, give thumbs up, & shake kids hands lol. ponyyyy....horsey..... kids were yelling in all directions and they were vying for a "pony hug" lol. but there were also VERY rude ppl there. kids and adults alike. :evil: can u say brats? when it was half time, we went down to the hall way to walk around [again, i dont why...], the cheerleaders locked arms and roamed the hallways back and forth all while some ppl started laughing really loud, yelling obsenatites, someone even yelled "is that a horse or a jacka$$?" well excuse me, #$%!...atleast i have the female balls to roam around in a hot, sweaty horse suit that i volunteered for b/c i wanted to. so plz, go back to hell where you came from and plz leave the rest of us alone. ppl started grabbing the tail and nose and some boys from the MDA table gathered around me saying " u wanna buy a shoe for a dollar? not once, but twice. brats. the hockey game it self was ok. kinda boring. like i said, the guys were hotttt. b4 i threw the puck, we were backstage hanging out when one of the opposing players came out and was shaking his rear infront of us. us girls were like dammmmm...he's hot and wht not super loud. lol. he was doing it on purpose, but the guy was super hot, ok? ;) then someone rolled out the red carpet and we walked towards the end the end of the entrance where the ice meets the floor where one guy from the local team and one guy from the oppostion team were waiting, i throw the puck, the local player guy picks up the puck, hands it to me, and both guys shake my hand and tell me that i get to keep the puck! :D :D joy! the best part of the game is coming out on camera. we came out on camera a million times. i was cheering, jumping up and down, dancing, and yelling. it was awesome. at one point when were on camera, some dumb kid started booing. moron. whtever..he just jealous that he diden't comeout on camera and i did. then the ineviable happened! :? "buckey" the local hockey team mascot because the team is the bucks, came outa nowhere..i mean nowhere. all of a sudden, a giant hand grabbed my slender shoulders, i turned around and grabbed his mascot stuffing. the cheerleaders were yelling "buckeyyyyyyyy" i turned around and all of a sudden, there was a thrusting motion coming from behind. :? we were on camera for about 3 mins or so, but i couldent see myself because the head was starting to come off and i was trying to keep it on for most of the time. at times, i was able to grab his hands and wiggle a bit. then it was over. u_u i felt soooo voilated. DONT LAUGH! IT'S NOT FUNNY! :cry: pics coming soon. then the game ended, i GREETED CHILDREN AT THE ENTRANCE FOR BUCKEY! we waited for 20 mins or so waiting for buckey so i could give him a piece of my mind. :evil: he never showed up so we went outside until mother who was dropping a friend off came for me. i think drea in spirt was there. ;)

sat: partay. sort of. i envited 15 ppl for the exception for 7 or 8 to atleast show up. and u know how many ppl showed up? 4...count four. the resturant we were at gave us a private section so we could chill. but noooooo only 4 ppl showed up. :evil: janice, "rick" & "lina" [computer club], my friend from youth group, "kateland". whtever..i had fun. we just sat & ate mostly. lol.

sunday: palm sunday. visit dad, lunch and chill.

now if u excuse me, i havta go and file some pieces for my art metal project. love you all. :) OMG..I LEFT THE MUSTANG SUIT AIRING OUT AND IT'S DARK NOW!


my blue cake from sun 25.

btw, my real name is marie. i just like the name "deanna" better. :P