cant stay very long...need to pack..havent done it yet! :? wedding tomarrow! kowing mother we'll leave at 5:30 am and get there around 8. i have a friend who lives in the city were going to and maybe we can go to the local theme park or movies. but the wedding is at 6pm! to late! i wanted to eat all day, and could have it was at 4 or some time.
i heard the food has a tent all to itself! :D :D lmao..look at me...blogging about the food! i bet the hotel i'll be staying at is gonna be seedier then a crack house... :| then yet again i could be totally wrong.
my dress is nice, but i dont really want to go. my grades arent pretty right now, and i just want to study/watch spike tv movie marathon, and maybe i'm better off not knowing the blood test results since if they are bad, i wont prolly be able to have fun. :( i dont know them yet, but i can wait till tuesday to see my math grade and the doc. *sigh*
edit: i hope i dont FORGET my dress!! yikes!! thats wht i'm fearing most right now! :? i helped mother clean the car, and now packing, and the camera is recharging. *note to self*..TAKE GAME BOY!
also hope my cousin's soon to be wife has a younger cousin my age...doesnt matter if the person is male or female, fat/skinny, black/white/mexican/blonde/burnette...would be nice to make new friends wif same i can hang out wif at the wedding...and THE FOOD TENT! :D :D i know me and dicegamemaster will be making many visits! i can see my other anut [hint..a nut] giving the both us warnings [mainly me] "to behave because were both old and should know better...blah blah blah" while tightly holding the upper arm with the grip of darth vader.
btw, i actully was eating and driving today!! lol. it was ok since there was a train and i had to pull out my KFC twister wrap...oh yea...all golden brown, crispy goodness, wraped in a tortilla, shaped like a burrito, and o0o0ohh s0 goodness, ohhh yea. the seam fooged my and the mac n cheese was heavenly...if i had to pic between stark from eureka or the kfc mac-n-cheese, i'd choose the mac and cheese! LMAO! btw, hes hot...really hot...h0t...6'4 of gorges.
FOOD TENT. FOOD TENT. FOOD TENT. sorry, if i keep eating, maybe i can really change my name to "deanna troi" for gaining unneeded 20 lbs.
well, i'm out, take care. now! :D :D