err..if any of you have ever worn boxers u know that your "goin' free." details here. i dont like guys wearing briefs, boxerbriefs are fine, but boxers are the best. expcet on that guy...i think his had unicorns on them...:roll:
not that i would know since i only wear boxers OVER my undies during the winter time. anyways, 'm done with finals and i presented a mockumentary about godzilla last nite. thats why i havent been here...i've worked every wkend on it sometimes stayin till midnite. i even had to ask on a enxtension for another project in another c!ass and the teacher said yes. *whips sweat* now that is done and over with. and i have a powerwalking final. who tf has a pw final...who tf does that??? NOW MY COMPUTER AT HOME MIGHT A TROJAN HORSE...ARRRRRRRRH...MAKES ME SO MAD. :x :x :x :x dam u limewire. :x
ok i'm leaving now