On my last blog, I wrote that i had remembered a mexican folk lore from my senior Spanish AP class that was remebered by an Gloria estefan song. I dont know the name of the song, but it goes a little like this "I realize your seeing someone new, I know she doesnt know like i do, before u brake my heart..." and "dont even start to night..." The same song also appread in a Mexican movie in which a marchie singer was singing that same song in spanish...I think the movie came out before the song, and the song is prolly a past generation chant/poem/story that has been remade severl times in musical form...I dont know, it's just a guess.
The story i'm about to tell u is a lil sad. It is about young married couple in some sort of crisis and there are prolly severl of you that might agree with this tale. It's a bit long, but it makes for good reading.
There once was a young married couple who had gotten married and returned from their honeymoon. The wife was a beatiful, up beat, and optimistic woman with a heart of gold. While her husband was the complete opposit. He was stone silent, big huge man who never spoke, always had a poker face, with an unbreakable stone heart. Every day the wife would cheerfully talk to the village ppl, feed the birds, and tend to her garden while her husband sat next to the windo silently watching her. She was loved by all, but the one person she could never feel affection was from her husband. When the wife would tend to the garden, she would look at the window, and yell "Why don't you come down and help me pick flowers?!" She would say with a smiling face, while the husband just turned his back and walked away. Everyday history repeated it and the wife's wonderful spirt was slowly turning gray. She would do her routine, pick her flowers and silently wonder if her husband really loves her. He would sit there stone cold and not even move. The wife would turn her head away as tears filled in her eyes because the man she loved never responds to her. Both would eat the daily meals in a silent stuper. She would pick at her meal trying in vain to start a conversation she so longed for. She wished for the days she and her hubby would sit and chat when they were still datting. He only looked at his plate, glanced at her and kept eating his meal with out a word. When it was time to go to bed, she would lye close to him yeaning for the deep affection they have never shared. Truth be told, they have never even comsumated thier relationship and wife doughts her man will make that move at nite. She would try to cuddle with him, but he only rejected her advances and turns the other way. He would stair at the nite ladden wall and not even move wile his wife turned the other way with tears in her eyes. Every day, every day the same routine happened. The wife's heart of flesh was slowly turning stone, she had no self-esteem left, her extrovert personality twisting into a introvert. Her spirt was black and her heart with rage. They never really talked any more, and every day she would sit in her garden silently crying from the neighbors and the husband. All the villagers thought they had a happy marriage, but both were hardly ever seen in the village together. Ppl started to wonder, but the wife was starting to hold a restentment against the husband. She still held the idea that he might be cheating on her, but there was no proof. The same thing happened for 3 years. 3 years of heart ache, rejection, silence, and no affection turned the lovely wife into a gray haired old maid. She was still young outside, but inside she was beyond dead. Until one fateful day, the wife could not get out of bed. She would lye there silently rejecting any visitors, and not saying a word. The husband finally stepping up took care of her for severl days. He would hold her hand and try to talk to her. For he was still a young healthy man w/o a care in the world. He would feed her, bring her vistors and flowers, took care of the daily needs, but the wife would lye there eyes black, and not a word or any movement. After a wk, the wife was very, very ill. She burned with a ferver and the doctors did not know wht was wrong wif her. The wife sweated alot and was very pale. Her eyes sunken in. She did not talk, walk, move, eat, or even look at her man. For her husband was now nowhere in sight. He seems to have disappeared after a few days. He did not visit her any more or even bother. The docs. told him to go visit her because she was dying. He did not listen and sat in a chair in another room silently pondering. He never moved or even visited her anymore. He slept another room, and did all the things he would do with out her. On the last nite of the wk, the wife rapidly dying took one last breath. For her fever was taking a toll on her. She finally closed her sunken eyes and took one last breath. For now she was dead and in another place. She died alone and in rage against her husband. He was in another room and was not there. For they did not even say "I love you".
I hope u liked it...:) I know it's sad, but it reminds of that GE song...if u happen to hear, it to will remind u of this tale. Like I said, I did not make this up. Mexican folk lore is rich in character and flavor only read by the big reader, the very well educated, or the advanced level student. You prolly wont read stuff like this again with the sterotypes surronding Mexico and wht not...but a google or book store search should turn up some good stuff...:).
I suggest for any of u to pick up a good folk lore tale, may it be American, Mexican, wht ever, because it's kinda like a chicken soup for the soul kinda thing...:) If I can remeber any more these storys, I'll post it...:)
Makes for a good read, huh? Like I said, I did not make this up...I dabble in nonsense & not realsitc ficton :).
One more thing...I picked to ST: Titan books today...omg...I'm so excited!! :D :D