lordie...wht the wonders of a genie wood do for me. now i can finally be like major nelson...except a million yr younger, not in the military, shorter, female, and on the way to be being a 20-something. she can "solve" all my problems, and make them a zillion times worse then wht they are ready were---GO FOR IT! :o now, i can have all the stuff i want. :D
me and andy have a tale to tell.
andy: *bark* its awesome!
it was a nice saturday afternoon when me & andy [bark] were chilling at "ghetto hights" park in the hood. now, its a big place, so we sat somewhere near the trees so any could chase squierls and eat passerbys.
andy: it was lovely...i ate 10 tree rats and 4 hoodlums. ;)
me: hush! let me continue. ok, so then andy says he need to use the john, and wonders off. i for the mean time, run into a revine and start play on the rocks when i fell hitting my head on the pavement rolling further down the revine into the a giant pile of dirt. wht looked a shinny beer bottled turned out to be a genie bootle with a hat.
"omg...whts this doing here...wht is it?" i thought w/my head pounding, rubbing the bottle.
(BOOM) a gaint smoke cloud appears and out comes a blond, half-nekkid, excited genie.
genie: HI NEW MASTER!!! *huge hug*
me: your nakkie! plz, no hugs...we dont hug in public in america...its againt the law.
genie: wow, master! your a teenager! noooooooooooooooo!
me: no! no! i'm almost a 20 something. its ok.
genie: sure. whts your name, i'm genie
me: i'm deanna, dee for short.
genie: so wht can i do for you, master?
me: the name is dee, not master...ummm...get my holiday homework done. my digtial art projects, my extra cred. work, my gov. book reading, and math studing.
genie: does head thing. *poof*
me: i'm knowledgeable!!! *looks over work* BRILLIANT!
genie: wht else can i do for u master?
me: um...hehehe...you see...theres this guy on tv...and he's really hot...stark from eureka on sci-fi!! his crazy wife dont want him, but i do, so MAKE ME ALISON! to play with stark's emotion.
genie does head thing
me quantam leaps into alison walking into starks office.
stark: ally, so wht do i owe the honor of this visit? :)
me/alison: can it, nathan.
-finish it later...i'm tierd. still have much work to do. :(