well, idk if this is news or not...but i'm here today! ^_^
gonna make this a short one
sorry, i dident log on for the past 2 days, but i had web design homework of creating a 3-4 pg website entirely from scratch. u_u the process is alot harder then it seems & since i' am me, a simple website turned into a elceptic work with a chess theme. now mind you, i dont know how to even play the game, but i'm freakin obsessed with the song, game, and the pointy eared person who plays it. to to top it off, i don't think i finished it and there is a test 2day and don't know wht to study. he said it would be easy, and there would be time to finish the job.
-talked to a counseler today and was told i'm going ok with the transfer hours, and it's recommened i finish the basics at the community college so when it's time to transfer, i can just take the "real" classes instead of some basic. ie, math or science.
-want to get a double major in genetics/medience BUT NOT YET!
-found a shinny penny
*things will get to normal tomarrow*
i'm gonna have to cut tv.com time again to 3-4 days out of wk. maybe less.