i know i've been absent allot. so it's a good this isent school because the teacher would have dropped me by now. :/
school hasn't even started and it's kept me busy. x_x
it started monday of last wk. the school sent me a form stating i'm missing some stuff. so i go to school under the guise of "cheerleading practice". anyways, 30 min in line. only to be told this "your missing a signature on one of the forms." :| i explained to the lady that the wk b4 another dude told me everything was ready AND to wait for the finial aid award letter in the mail, sign it, and bring it back. so the lady tells to get this that form signed because it's the last thing missing --- NOT!
so i call mother who comes racing to school, signs the form, and it's another 30 min wait in line. x_x. another guy tells me that my file was ready, BUT, something was wrong on another form, so now it's not ready and to wait till monday of last wk. x_x
side note: the school has done this to me b4 and i know better not to wait around!
so i call school tuesday around 9am or soand "selina" tells me she'll call me later. so i call her again around 11 am or so and she tells me shes working on it. now get this, i was out having a life at the mall (hate that place) with one of the ex-cheerleaders and when i get home around 10 mother tells me that selina called around 8:30pm because they are flooded with work and need to finish. :?
wes: call selina and she tells me it will be ready thursday or monday! ^^ sucess!
side note: the school has done this to me b4 and i know better not to wait around!
good news: 30 minwait later, I'M PAID IN FULL! :D but i have to wait for the award letter in mail. it better come tomarrow or tuesday because wesnday is the last day to pay for the ppl who registered a month and half ago like me.
:( news: i went to the uni & had to drop that filmcla55 :cry: the plan was to take 7 hrs at the college and one at the uni. now i'm enrolled for 11 hours at the college. NOT WHAT I WANTED! basically, i'm being forced to finish basics before moving on.
i'm taking:
earth science 1 plus lab :S
bio 1 plus lab
math forbusniess 1
i wanted to take a multimedia cla55 but it's to late at nite! but, the ES lab is @7:00-9:50 pm x_x last lab that was open.
good news: I GET TO WATCH VOYAGER EVERYDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :cry: happy tears
btw, i take it you guys loved my previous blog a little to much. :lol: ;)
if your not a trek fan, THIS IS NOT FOR FOR YOU!
sci-fi played first contant today. i've only seen 800x so i dident see it again. XD that's sci-fi's ways of rebelling againstT-11. :evil:
PICS OF THE DAY! HAWT! *drool* dam evil spock is hotttttt....dam..i wanna do....:| opps. shouldent have said that out loud. :lol:
dam...tom paris u a fine man with a nice nose. lmao. oh, i once saw a tom look-a-like in a black charger. HAWT! me and sally were like DAMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.