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It continues....

The continuation of last nites adventure... Shran, Chiana, & Archer. This is Part 2. Part 1 is posted on the blog below. I left on the part where Tripp was scolding Linsey because of her laziness and lack of proper clothing. Oh, if u havent noticed..I'm lampooning Linsey Lohan. Read the 1st part closly..hahahahahaha. Super long..bare w/me ;) ----------------- Tripp and Linsey are fighting over wht she wears when the phone rings. T'Pol *exhaling her smoke*: "Hello?" Archer: "T'Pol, it's John!" *Tripp & Linsey fighting* T'Pol *w/a glint of excitment in her voice*: "Captain!" "Hold on..." "SHUT THE HELL UP BOTH OF YOU!!!" Tripp: "Go up stairs Linsey..Your not going out today." Linsey: "Wht..thats no fair! You promised me...mooooommmm!" Archer on phone: "T'Pol you there?!" T'Pol: "Yea, hold on...Tripp and Liney are fighting again..*sigh*" "Linsey...u heard the man..I'm busy, Tripp!" Tripp: "Alight young lady..up stairs now!" *Linsey gives Tripp "the bird"* Tripp: "Wish I was really dead...sigh" Archer: "T'Pol..Great news..Shran is here w/me..and we have a plan to rid of Chiana, his girl, and Linsey!" T'Pol: "You serius? rid of Linsey?...We were going to send her off to live w/our older boy, Rayval in space in a few monthes. Because she refuses to join starfleet like the rest of kids. *lights another cig* *Chiana turns on radio really loud at the Archer home* *Shran and Erika shuffel w/Chiana to turn it down* Backround: Shran: "Archer is getting us a ride so we can go shopping!" Chiana: "YOU mean ME! I GET TO GO SHOPPING! AND U GET TO HOLD MY BAGS, DADDY!" Shran *-_- (sweat drop): Yes, *sigh* thats wht i meant dear... Erika: "Chingada werkia...callete lo sieco..."(wont translate that one) Archer: "WTF is going on back there?! I'm on the phone!" "Ok, T'Pol where were we, oh, u dont have to call me 'Captain' any more..No more NX-01." T'Pol: WTH is going on back there...I can hear loud Andorian say Shran is there, & u say he has an excuse 4 a kid, Captain..I mean John." Archer: "Yes, T'Pol, perfect 4 Linsey, since you guys want to get rid of her." "They are the same age and everything..totally perfect." T'Pol: "Finally I can watch my TV & eat my food in peace...and Tripp can finally stop wishing he's dead!!!!" she says with a huge smile at the other end of the line. "When can we meet?" *loud music now playing on ends* *On Archer's side, Chiana has on Street Beatz 102.3 and its playing some nasty rap song. "Yo, B!atchs...bang, bang, now ya dead, motha fackin hoes!" On Tripp & T'Pol's side, Linsey has the Paul McCartny and the Wings "Live and Let Die" insanly loud. "You used to say..Live and Let you dident, no you dident, no you dident..So Live and Let Die..." Tripp is banging on the ceiling with a broom.."I'm not a young man now...Linny..turn it down..were old folks down here..have some respect for us..damit." He runs up stairs, but since he doesnt have a nice ass any more, T'Pol doesnt have a reason to look up. Linsy: "hahahahha" "I cant hear you...lalalala" Archer: "In an hour..outside your place, then Shran is going to beam them both up to one the Imperial Guard ships..then meet up w/a Orion ship and the Orions are going to take them...& we WILL NEVER SEE THEM AGAIN!" T'Pol: "Were in" Archer & T'Pol hangup. Archer, Erika, & Shran whisper to each other on how they are going to convince Chiana she'll have a new friend. Shran: "Honey, If you could turn the music down, stop dancing, and look at me for a sec..I'd like that. " Chiana: "& wht...look at your ugly face!" *she says while turning stations* Shran: "Exactly" Archer 2 Erika whispering: "Do you think she'll fall for it...?" Erika: "I hope to the Colombia she does..." Chiana looks up. "OK wht..make this quick..I wanna shop already." Shran: "Ok..yes we are going to go shopping...and Me, and 2 Pink Skins, need to go into space and buy somethings on the otherside of Earth..but, to make it quick, my ship is going beam us at other side of Earth, and we'll get to go shopping. For as long as you want." :) Chiana: "Really daddy!?" :D *huggin him* Shran: "But b4 we go to the mall..theres a new friend I want you to meet..." Chiana: :O :O "friend!" Shran: "Come pinkskins...lets go to the MALL!" *beam* Meanwhile @ the Tucker household... Tripp: "Nice plan, dear, but how are we going to get Linny to come down..." T'Pol: "Say her low-life boyfriend is here 2 see her...the music isent as loud as it used to be..." But, on unknowing to them, Linny climbed out her window and is now making a run for it when Shran, Pink Skins, and Chiana beam down. Tripp: :D "Look there here!! and that lil b!tch is making a run for it!" T'Pol: "Hurry lets run outhere!" The both run out as the other party sets foot on the ground. Linny stops right in front of them. Linny: "huh..WTF is this?!" Archer: "Hi, Linsey. D you remeber me?!" Tripp & T'Pol come up to the landing party. Linny: " going on?" makes eye-contact wit Chi. Tripp & T'Pol hug n kisses everyone as Shran introduces Chi to Linny. Linny & Chi at the same time: "OMG IS THAT A HOEFIGER NEWSPAPER SKIRT & A A/F DUCKTAPE BRA?!" Both: YEs!!! hahahahahah. Chiana: "We were gonna go stopping right now..wanna come?!" :) Linny: "Yea, sure, but my Starfleet results came in, I was accepted and I was just going to run away and join it to get away from senior pyscopaths." *points to T & T. "All my siblings are in it..I want in!" Chiana: "Yea me 2..I was going to go shopping, but instead I was accepted and planning to run away & join the Emperial Guard. So I can get away from him." *Points to Shran hugging T'Pol* At that very moment the sky turns blood red...wht seems like a beam is coming dowm. Shran: "WTF..I didnt give the sigle?" Everyone else.."Whts going on!" :O :O :O T'Pol: "Tripp hold my hand" "HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA" Foolish mortals" other than Q yells while assending. "Look fools at your future useless selfs". The sky cracks open as the Enterprise D is in a suspended animation and the TNG main cast crew are in a standstill. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA", "You guys are next..." Q says evily grinning. "No one can save you now..." As giant lighting ice ball builds up in the sky. --- "Huh..."T'Pol says "Yea, wht was that..wierd" responds Tripp. As both stair at T'Pol's pegnancy test, jaws dropped, both awaiting the results standing on the NX-01 Enterprise, both young, in T'Pol quaters. ---- TV shuts off. "Ok students..this is why Starfleet condems crew relationships..dont let this happen to you. OK, class dismissed, viedo quiz on Monday!" Says the gym teacher who also teachs Health 101. END -------------------------------------------------- Time line: ENT was supposed to be a 10 yr time line. If, I'm correct, (correct me if I'm wrong), Archer was in his early to mid 50s, Tripp was 40 when he died (Wikipedia'ed it) he's like 8-10 yrs. younger than Archer *but i'm putting Tripp 10 yrs younger*, T'Pol is somewhere in her 70s when ENT ended. Now, I'm basing the ppl ages on that time line. So, it's 50 yrs later...Archer is 100, Tripp 90, T'Pol in her 120s...yes..120s..Vulcans live to be atleast 200. I'm guessing Andorians (Shran) also live long lives, but, I'm putting him at 100. As for Linsey and Chiana, Chiana isnt Andorian & not from Trek, rather Nebari and from Farscape. But, since this is imagination...and I'm guessing Nebarians also live long lives..I'm placing her in her early 30s, making her still very young in that race. For Linsey, shes half Vulcan/Half Human, but Spock lived I'm placing Linsey also in her early 30's still young for both races & same age as Chiana. Meaning, Tripp was in his 60s and T'Pol was somewhere in her 90's...dam..0.o. But, on my own assumptions, Tripp n T'Pol started having kids early on..and the oldest kid must (not counting Lizzy or Lorial), is in their 50s. Sorry, had 2 make it technical. :P ----------------------- SGA MADNESS Tomarrow, I need 2 go to sleep already..need to wake up early 4 Farscape! =)