Lets get the party started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SG:A style..
by Deanna_T on Comments
*plays music extremely loud* "gonna stomp all nite/till the mooooring lighttttttt" (___\__) (___|___) (___/___) SHAKE IT!! LOL Well just in case no one knows wht this means..IT IS STARGATE/BSG NITE! LIKE EVERY FAN HAS WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT FOR LIKE 3 OR SO MONTHES NOW..LIKE YEA!!! lol. \m/(^_^)\m/ ok, heres the deal..to nites the nite i get to post on beckett (cutie pie), rodney (mclame), and muh fan fic. oh..i decided SG:A wk should extend till saturday. cuz to nite there is gonna be a lot to talk about it!!!!!!!! *fangirlness alert* business time. Dr. Carson Beckett Dr. Carson Beckett is the Atlantis team’s Chief Medical Doctor. The lovable Scottish physician has a witty sense of humor and his ability to activate 'Ancient' technology frequently lands him in compromising situations. note: Not only is he cute, but is very smart. Beckett always know wht to say and when to say it. not only that, he always know wht to do in any situation. take that time, when shep was turning into a W. Beckett discovers the problem involving the W hormone. but, the artues bug they has was alreay dead, so he sugets they go get a new one..and of course rodney has to complain..hahahaha. But his smarts can get him into trouble. Ex. beckett is working on a W retroviris. it backfires when beckett is talking to the a young W girl named elia, father. she over hears the converstation and takes the retro viries. classic example of wht can happan when something ment to help goes wrong. beckett mainly spends his time in sick bay. but sometimes he goes along on away missions. ex. doing surgey on ronan, or trying to help a wrong W girl. He finally becames a full cast member during season 2. so most of wht he deos will be mention in season 2. OR like that time, in season 1 when a virus attacks the city and it goes into quarentine, or that other time when they discover other universe wier, of all the wild moments that take place in Atlantis, Beckett is always there. Corrent me if i'm wrong..but in one episode, does beckett "turn on" a gate or some thing similar? got another one; when the team goes back in time to some other 1920's universe, beckett and some nurse discuss medicense and themselves! He has some type of rivialry w/rodney. wht a cutie this man is. he has such pretty eyes and..never thought i'd say this but..such a sexy accent. i like hang off of everyword he says...i'm such a fan girl! lol. It does not matter if he cant pilot a ship..but if i was on atlantis..i'd be "sick" like everyday..lol!! jk jk ^_^ McKay Dr McKay is a familiar face at the SGC. He was called in by the Pentagon after Teal'c became trapped within the Stargate system. He had been studying the Stargate Program out of Area 51 for over a year and was considered by the Pentagon to be the world's foremost Stargate expert. note: where DO i even begin? gezze. mckay, your a crazy/funny/paranoid/afraid of germs/so on so forth. in other words..i'm a fan girl. but, his super abilty to be annoying is shadowered by his extreme intelligence. lets not forget that time....*draws an adventure out of a hat* yes..the time shep & him were being stocked by a hungry wraith and almost suxed, or that other time when he realizes a way to reverse himself and cadman. but he has done some really cool things. ex. he worked tiresly (s1 season finaly) to make a ZPM chair work, and finally did. -the other time that a W blasting weapon was abivlable. he also drove himself insane trying to make it work. but it kinda backfired and almost got himself and some others killed. - the Daedalus is infected by a Wraith computer virus. McKay trys to stop it b4 it revoks havoc. -he enters an anient ship & helps shep. -he and shep try to stop ford from envading a wraith ship w/an excuse. -he experiments with alien technology that land him in trouble. hmmmmmmmmmm how many times has that happaned? -is interrogated by the Genii. -helps discover a way to contanct earth through the gate. -is captured along w/wier byt he genii. -enjected himself with W hormone to try n save shep & the gang. he ends up hurting himself for the good of the others. -going crazy w/sunblock to protect himself from a planet's sunrays. -helps major laurn piolet a cloaked shuttle pod to rescue shep & the gang. -introduces himself to ron when they first meet. "Hi I'm Dr. Rodney McKay" & tries to shake hands. -puts up with ford when he was lost in the forest. i could keep going but.. there is so much to rodney that its sometimes hard to breath. Some of the many thing he has done. he may act crazy, but his actions are sometimes 4 the good of the team. he is a suborn man, but that suborneness is key to his peronality. but he does have a softer side. he once mentioned that he missed his sister and he still likes carter. has an on going rivalery w/beckett and friends w/zelnka. qoutes: "I can't imagine it'd be any worse than their original homeworld." "That could just be failure of imagination on your part." - Bates and McKay, "Suspicion" Converting a human body into energy and sending it millions of light years through a wormhole. Bloody insanity." "Come on, how often do you get to travel to an alien planet?" "I was already on an alien planet!" - Beckett and Sheppard, "Poisoning The Well" McKay: "He just doesn't like going through the Stargate." Sheppard: "He's worse than Dr. McCoy." Teyla: "Who?" Sheppard: "The TV character that Dr. Beckett plays in real life." - The gang discuss Dr. Beckett's aversion to stargate travel, "Poisoning The Well" Weir: "Major, have you made any progress with your prisoner?" Sheppard: "Not yet, but he just blinked." McKay: "He blinked? What does that mean?" Sheppard: "It means he's still holding on, but he's indicated to me that he may break soon." McKay: "And he indicated this to you by blinking?" Sheppard: "Yes." - from "Poisonong The Well" LOLOLOLOOLOOOLOLOLOOOOLOOOOLOOLOLOOO ---------------------------------------- fanfic first part. "It is a wonderday to go exploring & do stuff", Wier suggests to John. "Why, yes it is, to bad we we found cable on Atlantis!" He says with a smirk and sarcasim!. Wier-"Thats not the point, John, our spyware has enabled us to evesdrop on the Wraith. McKay realized that they are out on another culling (or calling?)", she states w/her famous entense face. John-"Sounds like a job for the clowns!" he stammers than leaves to get to a puddle jumper ready. The salty ocean breeze is blasting away, sick bay is teeming with ooey googy dieases and sick ppl, and of course Altanis is busy with all the SG & army personal prentending to work. -enough for now..it'd 12:30 AM central time..i'm sleepy.- stay tuned. 2marrow "The Hive" discussion, cast names, misc. charaters, & rest of fan fic. ^____^ -end transmission-