I promised more reading...:) and sense I'm not capable of lying, I'll post an essay that I wrote and it took me forever...and forver means forever. I wrote it, duh.
Ok, this is actully a piece from a bigger essay. It's from Herman Melville's Billy Budd. But I just call it "Billy Butt" because the story was boring, but it had a lot of Trek-ness to it...:) If any one has ever read BB and watched TNG, you'll see the similarties of Vere and Picard.
Plz enjoy! =D
Btw, it was insanly long and I had to shorten it.
Vere may have a soft side for Billy, but his civic duties and priorities are for his ship and the people on it. His civic duties included submission to duty and authority as captain (Sherwood 478). After Billy killed Claggart over a insurrection claim, Vere was faced with the civil decision regarding Billy’s fate. Vere knew and accepted Billy’s fate and argued for it by proclaiming, "‘Struck dead by an angel of God, yet the angel must hang!’" (Melville 2764). Sedgewick suggests that there is no other alternative to the execution (245). He understood Billy was truly innocent of mutiny, but Billy committed a court martial offense by killing a person. Vere could have placed Billy in the brig until they reached land for a trial, but his main priority was for the people on the Bellipotent. That he demonstrated by ordering a court martial on his ship without the use of a real jury and judge and without the supervision of an admiral...
Sorry, I can't post more of it...It's my work, but I dont think I can post paper on the net...yes paper. Wht u see up here is a very small portion of it, and I just want to share a lil piece of it with you. :)
I'm gonna go watch I Dream of Jeannie s2 now after I reach a secert tv.com goal of mine...:D
omg..wht is samantha fox doing here?! :O