who wants to know more about the smell?! ;) turns out the smell was NOT dead animal, or a gas leak...more like the oil. :/ yes oil...IN A GAS HEATER! VERY, VERY DANGEROUS!
we don't why the freakin' maid did that. she could have burned down the freakin' house and in turn, she would have lost a job, while us, the employers would have been left with nothing. it could have been witch craft for all we know. again, witch craft is very common in the inner city. talk about the biting the hand that feeds you..
btw, we dont have a rodent infestion...house is spotless except my room. ;) LMAO.
valentines theory:
think about it...wht do grad students and tarzan and jane have in common? heres a hint:
1. prince has song after song about it. "little red corverte maybe you much to fast...", erotic city c*m alive..we can f*** till the morning come...", "i wanna be your lover/brother and sister too..."
2. gucchiman had a song about it.."then u get sum/get sum in a front seat of a hummer"
3. shes a very freaky girl the kind your wont bring home to mother....
4. dont tell me the old school tarzen movies werent about h****eortic sex & kinky, kinky nitetimes.... :|
5. grad students work hard on thesis papers plus they have jobs on top of tough clss, research, and possibly familys.
6. horzontal mumbo...freaky deaky, uhhhh, uhhhhhhhh, rawarrrrrrrr
and thats the story of valentines day...