let me sit down for a moment...
larry, pass me some cake...
-it just stopped randomly working last nite before midnite and hasent worked since. i called the main office and was told that ppl have been calling and complaining about the lack of internet in my building and a tech should call and set up an appointment. will be using internet @ the library
-my head fells likes it's going to explode... little light headed right now. just got of tv studio and after 3 hrs of rehearsals and chitchatting, i feel sick. this is b/c i'm the character generator person and my job is to place captions, names, titles on screen and to get it right b/c were live.
-won't be online this wkend. 3 tests to study for and a mout of laundry
if indiemom stops by, this is for her... ;)