SG:A wk continues..Dont forget discussion of "The Hive"
by Deanna_T on Comments
Miscellanous Charaters Dr. Zelenka The other crazy looking doc. along side Beckett and McKay. He is also smart, and his wacky hair makes him look like a mad scienist. Friend of Rodney and Beckett. He kinda is a go-threw of Carson and Rodney. Wish he got more screen time. His and Rodney's antics are ever ending laughs. Colonel Caldwell That bald dude that commands the Daedalus. Comes to the resuce of Team Shep when needed, and is a stubborn man. I think he & Weir were flirting w/each other in one episode. o.0 Major Lorne *fangirl alert* Yes, I'm already a fan girl. Even though he as appreared in like 5 epis. He is short, sometimes overbearing, rugged, and but is a team player along side Col. Caldwell.I don't know wht it is w/me and man with the rank of "Major" (ex. major shep,& major hayes -star trek:ent-). But, the guys that are always cast as Major are sarcastic and Discussion Wow..the Hive part 2. There was no words that make me discribe wht we all saw last nite. So, that is why I'm putting it into sections. First off, if u have read my bio..I'm a CGI nut. thats first then the other stuff, lol jk jk. *Might be some spoilers* CGI & Set: Wow..just wow. I started drooling when Hyper Drive was playing. If that's hyper drive..than warp drive doesnt compare! No offense Star Trek, but the SG:A animators really outdid themselves this time. Warp Drive doesnt compare to wht SGA version of it-- that is Hyper Drive. It looked as if the Daedalus and the W ships were zooming at insanly fast speeds inside a worm hole. The W ship battle was amazing, similar to a Star Wars movie battle. Watch this show in the dark, to feel the full "flavor" of the CGI. Everything was glowing with perfection, not a glitch in site. Outer space and it entireity were prefect, the battles scences were kick arse, and Hive set was eerie, excellant, overall lighting even in the dark . Dust & cobwebs everywhere kinda like holloween a little cliched, but sick. ^_^ A+ for CG-I and backround. Plot: At some points dull, others wicked, then picks up again. The Hive2 was a truely genuine episode. Even though, some parts were cliched, the strong acting made up for that. Rodney almost losing his life to save Team Shep, Shep almost being tricked, the crew being in diffrent locations, all pulled off with such ease. The cast put up w/Fords downfall, and his mates. SG:A is knowen for the quick wit is throws at us. But, there was a twist. Rodney wanting "some", and beating up guards. The subplots, all combine into one exciting episode. The battle and sabotage took off quickly and was just an thriller..but u thought everyone was gone..think again. B+ Acting: Very strong and no holds bar. Dave H. did a outstanding job and truely outdid himself. Dave/Rodney combo always amazes me. He can play that charater like a puppeter on Seasme Street. His faults with Beckett come to life with the vigor and anger as a very calm somber Paul/Beckett smoothly handles the delema w/aling Rodney. Liz/Weir factor hardly showen. Liz always manages that deep thought face, that captures us. Joe/Shep comb. Also, truely amazing. It was the same Shep wit that Joe pulls off so easly, that stopped the W queen in her tracks! Nicely done! Jason/Ron-Same ol Ron, but we got to see him smile this time! Such a nice smile. Wicked sick fighting skills stopping those leaches w/legs in a quick manner, perfect. Rachel/Tayla. Always the calm collected Tayla with fighting skills of cat...hisssss. Always a thinker, she pulls of Tayla in a dazzling manner. Dispite the fact, that Taylas main purpose is to fight. Rainbow/Ford-We already see him anymore. He is given the benefit of the dought. Rainbow is a gifted actor, that sometimes doesnt get the screen time he deserves. Good Job! to everybody! A+ Villian: We finally got see wht the W are really like and the thier Queen! As, seen b4, we know they are cruel..but not to wht extent (manipulating, lying) captured ppl. We know that they trap casulties and give them a deadly choice. Could this be how they know so much about diffrent worlds? The queen is a lil wierd, and her gen/comdrs. are no better. Besides, the guards don't talk, but thier ultrapysco leaders make up for that in violence. I loved the inside of the ship. The blue lights, the halloween apprance, thier goth/matrix uniforms, white rasta hair, and all that hissing..kinda makes u wonder how they jkjk. A+ Cast Joe Flanigan- Major / Lt. Colonel John Sheppard Torri Higginson-Doctor Elizabeth Weir David Hewlett- Doctor Rodney McKay Rachel Luttrell-Teyla Emmagan Jason Momoa- Ronon Dex (season 2) (new cast member) Paul McGillion-Doctor Carson Beckett Rainbow Sun Francks-Lt. Aiden Ford (season 1, now reoccuring) David Nykl-Dr. Zelenka Mitch Pileggi-Colonel Caldwell Kavan Smith-Major Lorne