The couch banner is up and running, there is going to be alot of couch themed or no? ;) si!!!!
anyways, lets gather around the couch and share random stories about each other and basicly chat...:)
coffee pot is towards the right & so are the cups.
btw, the couch is niebors ex-couch and i got the idea for a banner by taking a picture of it. if i would have known how awful the quality of the pic, i prolly wouldent have taken a the pic. might have been the lighting, i took it at dusk and the clouds were settling even w/the flash on. the banner is here to stay for a lonnnnggggg while.
NOT DUPMSTER DIVING! *staires straight at Ang* hahahaha
Story time!
One time I was eating lunch on a Saturday afternoon, and little did I know some long lost family members were coming to visit.
As I sat contently eating my lunch I heard ..."GRANDMAAAAAAA.....GRANDMAAAA" IT'S ME JOEY!" (some cousin guy)
Mind you, grandma was in the john, and I was totally dirty, cuz i didnt shower or do muh hair & had my brown glasses on.
All of sudden, the door swings open, and 5 ppl walk in...some chick, that joey guy, and 3 sluttly looking girls enter the dinning room...they were all looking at me eat and i was looking at them walking in at sitting.
appently, they must have thought i was the maid, cuz i was dirty, and my clothes were wet cuz i was mopping my floor, and bucket fell, and i slipped...hahahha.