sob. :cry: happy tears. i'm a shipper when it comes to these cartoon couples. i mean when i see them, the crazy, non-biological urges to write fanfiction 5 pages at time, but i don't since i'm lazy and to old to care about 2-D drawings. but still, imagining the couples you love and writing their love into words is half the fun...the other half is watching them on screen. ;)
we all have things that make us cry like fangirls (fanman for mac&chezzy. he cries like a school girl, i'd know...i've been there for his "anime binges" with the cream ice and babyback ribs from chilies as comfort food. he just l0ves inuyasha, which i hate..but still we have great time when i go and i get to paint his nails purple and bird watch from the 47 floor and talk about guy pierce, arron eckh0t, and jeff donovan all at the same time cuz they are so h00t and s3xy it's downright illegal meanwhile he snores on the couch and..wait..where was i? =/ )
ok anyways, heres my list of tv pairings. :) (in no particular order)
rin & sesshomaru (inuyasha).sesshomaru is inuyasha's older, full demon brother. both brothers have swords calls "tensiga" (inuyasha), and "tensayga" (sesshomaru). inuyasha's sword is for defeating villans and shredding them to bits. the tensayga is for bring the defeated back to life. since sessy is pure hell on wheels, it would make sense that he would wield the tensayga for being ppl back to life or something...i've only seen this happen once. rin was a little girl that witnessed her family die by angry ppl in her village and she was attacked by wolfs. to make a long story short, seesy felt sorry for rin, brought her back to life, and now she's kinda like his ward. right now she looks up to him a guardian, but someday when shes old enough, they might be lovers!!!!!! *sob* they would make such a cute couple since she seems to bring out the softy in him. (btw, roomie tells me that the letters are in chinese).
mike and fi (burn notice). :cry: FI IS LIKE MIKE'S CATWOMAN!!! mike (jeff d) is so dam beautiful and sexy it's fu*king illegal. while fi..honestly i dont think fi is all that pretty. her forehead is far to big for her funky shaped head...=/ (btw, that's a padded bra). no srsly...thier relationship is very...complicated/tumultuous .. cuz they are always trying to harm each other and hijack each other schemes. then other times they are loveydovey and i think the love and hate combo is what makes that couple so interesting is that they are one minute they are hugging the next holding guns to each others faces. :0
batman (bruce) & catwoman (selina). :cry: i've been fangirling and shipping over this couple since 1992. one minute he's running after her across building tops the next moment the pair are embraced in a hot passionate kiss overlooking the city as full moon beams silver, milkly, light over the lovers steamy lock. they have been around for how long? and they still manage to keep the romance hot and steamy then it goes back to cop and robbers. amazing. one day shes stealing nice things (jewels, leather, guns) then he swoops right it to stop her and he chases her around, the cops come, she vanishes. then the nxt day they are working togetheras a team on a crime fighting duel. but lets make one thing clear, that rarely happans and selina is usually teetering between antihero and villan.
melody (10) & terry (newbie batman) (batman beyond). shes 10 in the royal flush gang. hes the new batman. both are teens in love and their relationship is strangely simlar to batman and catwoman. she wants to turn her life around from her crime family doings. he trys to help her but in the long run, she just returns to her life of crime. i remeber this time they were dancing in a club and the passion between was intense. they just oozed teen love and that was pretty much the epitome of thier relationship.
janeway and chekotay!! (voy). why!!! why!!! why couldent they make it offical!! they are so freakin' powerful looking together, it would have worked!! i mean if they were your folks you'd have to listen to them because them "power lectures", but they'd expect to much from you.>.> then janeway would talk about how you were a late in life baby and if it werent for the dr and his magic pills, they would be no you. :0 then chekotay would take you camping and janeway would do science projects and it would pwn. :)
i was hanging out with the guys nxt door and they started tooking. :0 i've had stoner friends before even though i don't toke. it was bad. lmao. i prolly shouldent be going over there to begin with, but i'm still getting know to ppl and only go over when they have door open. :/
:x i cannot believe i missed the catwoman epi of batman: brave and the bold!!1 i love that show now!!