Hi everyone!! :D Joe Da Rat says hello on this fine Saturday eveing. OH DONT FORGET ABOUT FALL BACKWARDS!! would u like salad, wid dat?
my PS is still dead, and thats not a good thing since i have 12 projects due in december for the graphics class. yikes!
Joey Da Rat, get off the cookie pile. Dims the lights.
The Nun and Her Duaghter.
It was 1972 when young 21 year old Vanessa Chambers was contemplating the rest of her life. She came from a prominant well-to-do family in upstate New York. Young Van, as her friends called her, had it all. Good Looks, good friends, nice house, 2 cars, rare pets, a loving boyfriend, good grades, excellant life long education in Catholic schools, and most of all, big money. But somehow, that wasent enough for young Van. "Why don't you go to art school, like I did" Her mother, Gereldine would say. "I only went because my parents didnot want to send me to a good university. But somehow, I got lucky & met your father who went to a law school near by, and when we both graduated, we got married." "But mom! I don't want to go to school, I want to became a nun!" Van would hottly retort. "I feel it's a calling...I want to serve the Lord's purpose...I want to feel his grace. If all those years of Catholic school didnot teach me any thing, it's the Lord is always with us, no matter where we are, he is always with us...". "I'm just suggesting art school, if you don't want to go to a college somewhere. Atleast go to school...with our money, you can find a nice man, Vanessa." Gereldine would say with an icy stare while puffing a ciggerate. "I heard Patrick is going to Norte Dame to study law, Why don't go there, also?" "Mother, you dont understand. I dont want to go school, I want to be a nun! I have dreams of the Holy Spirit calling me, and as I sleep, I feel the strong, holy presense" Van said as her eyes watered up. "Besides, Patrick says I probably wouldent like Norte Dame anyways...But I'm always welcome to join him." "Whatever, suit yourself Vanessa." Gereldine said nonslantly.
The next day, Vanessa walked 3 blocks from her home to St. Vincents Catherdual to join the local Holy Order. "Sister Tammy, I'm ready" A chery Van said while talking to Sister Superier Tammy Lee. "Good my child" she said walking along the ailes of the church. "You are a Blessed Girl. Giving up a good life to help others. I've talked with other girls and they have no interest in joing this order" "Sister, I have a calling...some dont understand, like I do. I've seen the homeless in this city, and somebody has to do something! Even if it's just one person...one person can make the world for others!" "I agree, my child, I came from a rurel Wisconsin farm, and had no idea of the extent of poverty that exists all over the world. It broke my heart...I had to do something." Tammy said while her eyes watered. "I saw children dying, I saw depressed mothers crying, I saw homeless men fighting to keep warm in horrible weather..." "Sister, I know, I feel the samething as you. Thats why I want to join the order of the Franiscan Sisters..."
The pity party continues when Van finally signs the papers, can agrees to do community hours for 9 monthes. Everyday after she did her hours, Van would still live the life of a rich party girl. Clubbing starting at 10 at nite, and ending at 11 am the next day. She would drink mostly on weekends, drive insanly fast, flirt with endless boys, while her friends encouraged her. "Gooooo Van!!" "Drive Fasterrrr" Her friends Jenny, Nina, and Karen would scream in the backsit of Vans mustang converitable. "Look a guy...lets take him joy riding with us!!" Karen would yell. The girls did not care...they were drunk most of the nite, and Van could not keep her hands of the bottle, or her boyfriend, Patrick for that matter. Van and Patrick could not longer see eye to eye. She was secetly going wild at nite, while her days were spent serving soup, and reading to children. "Van...I cant take it any more...I'm leaving to law school tomarrow and thats that...I want a future, and I cant see you in it!" Patrick hottly said to a drunken Van at 3am in some parking lot...it dident matter to young naive Van Chambers any more. Because tomarrow nite was her last day before she was to become an offical nun of the Fransiscan Order.
"Tonite is my last nite as a young woman..." Van joked with her friends at another friends party. "Better 'get some' u know...cuz u anit gonna get any ever!" Nina joked, while Karen and Jenny agreed. Van wasent even paying attention because the guilt and sadness that Patrick was now down was sinking in. But would that really matter now? She eyed an old high school friend of hers. Young Alonzo Molina the med. student at Dartmouth sitting on a couch talking to another young man. Alonzo looked around and caught naive Van looking at him. He give her a big smile as she ran towards him. By now the other young man, Jim, took notice as to wht was happening, and excused himself to chat with other ppl. "Vannnnn....!" Alonzo said happly picking her and spinng her around. "Al! I missed u sooo much..how is it going?!" She said in a happy laughter. The bother reconnected and talked about thier lives. One might say that "one thing led to another" when Al started to whisper sweet little Italian things into Van's ear. It was very late, and both were very drunk. Van had spent the nite table, dirty, and pole dancing, going wht she pleased. For she had no more commen sense left. Al and Van left into another room. A hot, firey passinate nite insused. For this event was to change Van's life for ever.
"OMG I'M PREGANT!" Van screamed in pain. She was now a nun and of all places, no where near home. For she was in the Philipens. A strange land, with strange ppl, with strange customs, and strange everything, as she put it. "What I'm going to do!?" She said sobbing. Her new friend Jessica suggested she tell Mother Superior Maria Concepcion Reyes-Vazquez...but Maria is a short, obsese, strict woman with no love for ppl who break the rules in her order. "Come with me, Van. Maybe Mother Superior Maria will nice to you...after all your pregant right?!..hehe...oh boy.." Poor equally naive Jessica De Los Santos said with cold sweat pooring down her brow. Sobbing Van could not bring her head out of her hands. "No I couldent! I couldent!" By now, the girls were starting to attract a crowd. Soon enough MS Maria would find out. MS Maria took a glance while eating her daily pan de dulce to see wht was going on. "MOVE OUT OF THE WAY! MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!" She yelled in spanish. "Wht is this?! Why is the American crying?!" "Vas a ver lo..."Jessia muttered under her breath. "Plz get up Van..." she continued. MS, Jess, and Van walked back to the MS's office. Jess was excused. "Tell me..wht is the problem, Vanessa" "Why were u crying out there?" MS demanded. Vans eyes started to water again...her beatiful blue eyes swollen with a blood red. She muttered "pregant..." "SPEAK UP! I CANT HEAR!!!" Maria screamed. Van muttered again. Maria screamed again. Until finally Jess, who was in the next room, yelled "SHE'S PREGNANT!!!!!" Then the birds who sitting in the trees flew away b4 thier lil ears were to be blasted with MS Maria's screaming. "WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!! QUE ES ESTO!!!! NO PUEDE SER!! EMBARRASADA?!? COMO QUE?!" MS's eyed popped out of the back of her head, while Van's started sobbing again. MS gave Van a long, stern lecture, and gave her 2 options. 1) Leave the Order forever and go back to America and have her baby or 2)Leave the Order until the baby is born, but come back w/o ever knowing the child. Needless to say, Van choose 2.
Back in the States
Van was adjusting to civilan life again. Everyday she regreted that nite with Al. He was no longer seen since he went back to Italy because the family fishery was having fininal problems and could no longer afford to send Al to Dartmouth & live in America. Van would stare out the window as her belly became larger and larger. She had no more friends since they left to thier prespective colleges. "Everyone is free, and happy...and I'm not..." Her eyes would water. Her parents made no attention to her, and everyday she would sit in her room crying and rubbing her belly. She would make visits to St. Vincents Chruch, but nobody paid any attention to her. She tried to talk to MS Tammy again, but she was already dead of old age. Finally 9 monthes later in early 1973, baby Carla Chambers was born. 7lbs, 8 ounces. The baby was the spitting image of young Alonzo Molina. Green sparkling eyes, straight raven hair, light mocha skin, all this baby needed was to start speaking Itlian like her distant, naive, father, Alonzo. Young Van cryed when she saw her lil girl, for it was the last time she would see baby Carla.
Carla was raised by her fair skinned, blue eyed, blonde haired grandparents. They taught her she was adopted, and Van was her much older sister everytime she called or visited.
21 years later- 1994
Carla is a good girl, unlike her still naive mother, Van. Carla doesnt drink, party all nite, or lie. She feels a void inside her body that she doesnt tell anybody about. Infact, Carla is trying to find out her real parents, and has made friends with all the Hispanic and Itailan kids. For she can relate to them in ways she cant explain. She speaks both spanish and italian, and makes tortillas or pasta all time. Until it is time for her to go to college. Her grandparents let her go on vaction to Europe unknowing that Van is now in Italy. Carla and her friend, Lliana are visiting Rome and enter a niteclub when they eye an much older man. "This club is niceeee...and the music is awesome" Lliana says with a smile. "Yea it is, dude!!" Carla yells back with the loud music muffling thier conversation. Carla and Lliana dance the nite away, unknowing that an older man is watching them and wondering why the tall raven haired beauty looks familar. "Lets get a drink, Car..." Lliana suggests. The older man comes to the girls at the bar. "I'll have a drink of some sort..hehehe..I dont know the language!!" Lliana and Car both laugh. "I'll get u girls something" the older man suggests. "Hey thanks!!" The both say. The older man introduces himself as a dr. and both can call him "dr". The dr. has a dejavu feeling while he is speaking with Car. But he fails to recongize his own eyes. For several weeks, Car and Lliana, get to know the dr. better. The dr. sets Lliana with some friends of his while Car and the dr. get to physically get to know each other better. One day while walking in the park, Car and the dr. are holding hands discussing each others life, untl an older MS Van catches them while she is feeding the birds. "CARLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" A happy, but confused voice is heard from afar. "OMG...IT'S IT'S IT'S MY OLDER SISTER VAN!! yay!" A happy reunion between both mother and daughter. "Van, wht are u doing here?" Car askes. "Well, sis, dident mom and dad tell you? I'm in Italy for a few weeks" Car explains. Al and Van's eyes finally meet. "Alonzo?!", "Van!?" "Hey!! how are u doing?! what?" Both say at the same time. "Um...why are u holding hands? with him?!" Van demands. Alonzo starts to get a bad feeling about this meeting when he recongnizes his own eyes. Van fainlly feels she has to say the truth. Later in a fancy resturant for dinner, Van fianlly comes clean to Carla. "I need to tell u something" Van says. "Like wht?" Car says. "After dinner..." Van sadly retorts. After dinner, Carla and Van are walking in the same park. "Carla...I'm your mother..." Van blurts out. "What?! That cant be...I'm adopted." Car suggests. "No Car, I'm your my biological mother, and that man you've been with is your father..." Van says while looking down at her shows with tears in her eyes. A screaming match follows. Carla is crying her eyes out..."WHY DIDENT U TELL ME THIS?!" "WHY DID U LIE TO ME MY WHOLE LIFE!!"Carla continues sobbing. Van tells her misguided daughter the enite story. Carla digs deep into her memory banks and reazlies she looks just like Al. Now, Al is nowhere to be seen for he has just disapeered again.
"I don't think you need to tell me anything..." Carla angerly suggests. "Because I'm already pregant.
A lil long...but they thats how the story goes. hoped u liked it. :)