everyone has that "scary" friend back in hs, but has in "scary" i mean the one who knows to how to freak you out with odd behavior/crazy drug abuse/other things that violate the TOS. now, one of my ex-closet friends in hs came to town the other day. i did not want to hang out wif her, but since it has been a yr and half since i last saw her, it was "why not the heck not..it's just lunch"... but "lunch" has a whole meaning wif this girl. :?
long story short: we had a HUGE fight the beginning of our senior year. i was basicly left out of the circle of "friends", while "mimi" spread false rumers and turned the other girls aganist me. it was a dark chapter in my life...something i normaly dont go into detail about. anyways, we managed not to talk for the entire senior year...then i realized the other 3 girls i had i known since the 7th grade, were ppl i dident really know at all...espically mimi, whom i had met in the 9th grade.
me & mimi were the dimanic duel of trouble...late nite drinking, partying, driving around with strange boys, smoking ciggies and cigars, some other things that cant be said here [mostly her. NOT ME!] and most of all cussing...the other 3 girls seemed totally against that. but we dident care because we could always be seen at the a local chines buffet eatery, with her ex-bf, and some other ppl...:D finally, we just went our separate ways...she with those girls, and me with those "other ppl" who would eventully turn on me. u_u *sigh*
she last called me during spring break 06, but i just blow her off because i could careless if she was in town, and why does she care? she made my life torture, and my "party days" ended we ended our friendship...just because its spring break doesnt mean i have to party...and besides the fact i was doing history extra credit work, and full shift at work the next day. so i told her the truth. she just got mad and hung up....then called, called, and called...luckly for dail up internet, she got the busy signal. hahaha!!
-----------------> fast forward to monday
she calls...i thought she was my mom [LOL] calling the house to ask me something. shes like "this is mimi...."
me: um..hi...
mimi [most likely high]: wanna hang out tonite? we can buy beer...
me: i dont know...i havta ask
mimi: dont worry, i'm with my friend, 'luckly' he's cool and we can 'get along with him'...
at this momen i realized that those are "friends with benefits" :? ora, wht do they want wif me? i dont do drugs either...never have, never will. this is where i switch the conversation to tv.
i keep going with all i dream of jeannie stuff, all my tv collection, my cat, my other cat, and more tv..lol.
then the call ends...i call her today.
we agree to lunch, but she doesnt know i went to the mall wif another group of friends who seem to ignore me any which they can. u_u
mother tells me mini came to the house with a "devil like face" :? enraged more like it. she demands to know where i'm and also want my cell #.
i'm still at the mall w/those ppl,when mimi calls with a evil tone of voice. "where are you!", "what are u doing", and this other stuff..except i dont tell her where i'm at..heaven forbid.
finally, i call her again when i'm home...non stop cussing from mimi over the phone.
atlast lunch...she picks me up at home in a ragggity old truck...:?
idk wht happened to that girl...she used to be "normal" slim, but now, she wears a ton of makeup to cover her zitty face [most likely from birth control pills], she is very frail looking, pale skin, shrunken eyes, baggy, but nice clothes, and very nice hair...who i'm kidding...she looked like a well dressed scacecrow or something. :?
she is very scatterbrained now and is "very out of it". i mean "way out there" she doesnt speak very well, cant pay attention for very long, seems depressed, eats alot, seems distracted, dark eyes, and she told me some things i cant tell u here.
she was also an over achiver back in hs, now she seems luckly to even pass a class...she doesnt seem interested in anything else except drugs. she used to have beatiful skin and u could have awesome conversations wif her..now its all cussing and gossip. she let herself go... maybe it for the best we parted ways.