hahahahahahahahaha. :P you have the bible, i have tetris. 'nough said. XD
i found this little website that offers free online tetris so that's wht i do is play tetris for hours and my right wrist is carpoolingtunneling but i play more & more tetris because it's so addicting and fun. i've been playing tetris as a kid and my best so far is 88 lines at lvl 10. 100 lines here i come. :0
other news:
-MOVIE DONE! all i need to do is edit and have the teach make faces at me. x_x
-its a random movie involving LOTS of cearal and even cereal asssult on a teddy bear. XD me and my friend thought it was the funniest thing ever (her idea) and even trashed my grandma's rental house kitchen b/c in our mind that's also funny because it is. ;) *today
-her eating hotdogs caught on tape for the WORST. BREAKFAST. EVER. experiemental movie along side toaster stop/go animation, "ceareal bowl sex", bubbles, flaming hot funnions lmao, cheetos, godzilla, random, random movie all set to jpop music.
-almost caused a fatal car accident to the person behind us by stopping at a yellow lite on our way to the 20 dolla-all-u-can-stuff-your-arse chinese buffet. it was so0o0o0o0o good. for the record, we are still laughing about this one. *friday
-went to same resturant as friday for same friend b-day lunch. *saturady
-no one was home after we finished the movie so i slept all afta noon. ^_^ *today
best. wkend. ever.
so i'm gonna play tetris now