Deanna_T / Member

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Today's the day....

^n^* Well, yes today is the day of the art show! OMG! so so so so nervous! and i'm not even gonna talk to the judges, like i did when i used 2 showed turkeys for 4-H and FFA. and today was also the day i had those tests for speech & american history 2. the speech test was 50 questions on scantron and was just impossible..^n^* then came history. i knew most of the stuff, except for 7 or 8 questions..but it was 80 questions scantron so i'm not to worried over that one. ^n^* i dissed my art class yesterday so i could study for those 2 test..btw the physo test was moved 2 monday! yay! ^u^ So, i just got back from the art show. i was so nervous over nothing! and get this... MY POSTER SG:A POSTER WAS NOT EVEN THERE!!! ALL THE STUFF WAS TOTAL FLOATING TOILET MATTER, AND MY POSTER WAS BETTER THEN 80% OF THE STUFF BEING SHOWEN. THEY EVEN HAD PAINTING OF NAKEN PPL THAT SO GROSS AND DISTATEFUL. THE TEACHER SAID CUZ OF SIZE MATTERS, SOME STUFF WONT GET SHOWEN, AND THERE WAS A MONSTERUS OIL PAINTING THAT WAS THERE..AND IT WAS TOTAL CHEESE. A FRIEND OF MINE ALSO AGREED THE STUFF WAS BS. arrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. !@#$% *angry face* #O *kicks the school computer* !@#$%& aaaargggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh roooarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr if i had use of the titan right now, i'd send over it there to teacher them a lesson. arrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg *king kong roar* *kicking* *screaming* *punching* *summing the titan to DESTROY* X( X( X# X# X# X# sorry, just venting..oh next when the SG:A episode "Micheal" will be showen,i'll be honering conner t. w/an all week SG:A picture blog..and next friday i'll reveal StarGate: Wraith poster! ^u^ *rejoice* X#