Tripp's Death....A Conspiracy?
by Deanna_T on Comments
Look around ppl. If you had been paying attention, you might have picked on this, and did some serious critical thinking. But, if you haven't noticed, this will make you think twice are wht ENT seasons 3 and 4 had in store. These kinds of thought & emotions have boiling up inside for several months now ever since i bought season 3 on dvd. viewing and responding to the "why star trek enterprise fell" post on the sci-fi board brought all these feelings back. i just want to know if any one agrees or has noticed. *note* may sound like innate ranting 2 some. Season 3: 1. Similitude- During a routine engine check-up, the ship hits some kind of disturbance, causing a massive explosion and tripp goes into a life threating coma. He almost dies, but Plox being ever so smart, decides to clone him. It is a one time experiment, and the clone with grow pretty fast. The clone, they named "Sim" was raised to just to be slaughtered just to save real Tripp. Project works, and everyone happy as larks. Note: I know, I know, "but how could this relate to Tripp's death, since Archer almost killed himself every other episode, since, it had an happy ending?" Well, it seems like an "isolated" incident, but it appread again in E2. 2. E2- Enterprise folks just tugging along in a ship that barely moves, until they discover and another Enterprise! First, it was the thought to be the Colombia, but when they ppl on the other ship, show's OMG..WTF!? reactions from everyone. The capt. who just so happans to be Tripp/T'Pol son (pay atten. here folks), explains to them they are from another universe, they ended up going back in time after they enter warp, time ends up being 21the century earth, ships becomes generaltional. The son explains to Tripp, that when they went back in time, momma vulcan and daddy human got married, and had son like a 9 monthes later after the got married. Son also explains that when he was 14, Tripp dies, *seem familar?* and T'Pol is beyond crushed b/c Tripp is the only one she can "realease" her feelings. my fav. epi. of S3. note: This is where the fun starts. Tripp's and T'Pol other "child" was only a season away, and empending doom. Again, another mention of DEATH! Now, this is when the show was dipping into bad ratings and prolly signaling a distant ending. 1. Was this the foreshadowing of Tripps death? 2. Were B&B thinking "well the show has deathly ratings, and we are slowly going to hint to the ppl that someone is going to die?" 3. Did they know they were already planning to kill off ENT, and by killing of a main charater & UNREPLACEABLE for that fact, bringing the show back would be almost impossible? 4. Were they also planning ahead of time, Tripp and T'Pol having kids, then possibly killing themoff, to? Season 4: Last 2 shows. Tripp and T'Pol find out they have a daughter. hmmmm..reminds u of a certain season 3 epi. doesnt it? except, they dont know how she got there. now jugding from t'pol shocked/embarrsed face and tripp, looking at her in just freakout look. "t' there something u want to tell me?!"-tripp "ummm..errrrr..ummm i dont know?, hehe. i'm outa here, the capt. calling!-t'pol it was pretty much like that. to be honest, i think it was tripp's clone that knocked up t' i dont know. they did it once, but something about gentic material being stolen. at first, it was a vulcan abortaion *gross*, but seeing "gentic material stolen" now makes me wonder if there DNA was stolen and cloned to make a baby. but, also remembering t'pols face makes me beilive she did get pregant, but she was high on moonrocks, shocked b/c she met her future self, going crazy b/c shes insanely head over heals for tripp, confused about her new emotions, and top it all off, knocked up..and shes not even married..the time line adds up for t'pol being pregant and seeing 6-month y/o lizzy for the 1st ever..hmmmmmm. Conspiracy! Mentioning Lioal (sp) "first" kid..was leading up to lizzy! Than *gasp* tripp se muere! he dies! his death was useless..dying for archer? c'mon archer kicked azz, but would u really die for tha be honest not really. & whts worse..archer didnot say the speech, b/c troi said "computer end program!" :Ox10 nothing against troi (sirtis) & riker (frakes) there characters were used in a ploy to further disgrace ENT. IT WAS DONE ON PURPOSE! The ENT ending seemed like a marketing ploy 4 the Titan book series. c'mon why else, real reason why t&r appear? the "reason" why they came out b/c were doing something, (not sex) some thing on the pegases. right... there were adversting the TITAN! and possibly if there is a new TNG movie (duh) most likely it would be if the titan. wht else? still milking TNG, when they could tap the titan and make more $$$ knowing the fans would drink it up, b/c its a new idea..c'mon. subilminal messages! remember Twilight? (best epi. of season 3, btw) archer and t'pol live together in a piece-of-crap ship, b/c archer had serve short-memory problems and therefore unfit 4 duty. this was a rerun UPN was showing when they had "vote 4 fav. epi" when ENT took that crushing hiatus last yr. to be honest, i thought a blond haired vulcan was gonna pop out, and request breakfast in a southen accent and t'pol was gonna chase him w/a broom back inside a room, and she was gonna lie n say jr. was archer's kid...uhhhhhh huh. I once made an off-color remake b4 i had seen "twilight" 2 a friend about t'pol's blue n pink outfits. i said this: "T'Pol wears pink n blue, cuz she cant figure out the color of pregancy test, haha." i coulent have been more off. dam, did i subconconsily pick on stuff, i havent b4, or i'm mean? hahaha. Man, this is a Conspiracy! I have seen countless of other shows, and nothing has proved wht I have seen in ENT. Not even in SG:A have they hinted of killing a person of major importance even though the show has been running for 2 seasons, but feels like forever. questions If ENT was still around today, around this time, Tripp and T'Pol would have made it offical, and maybe tonites epi. would have been hot n heavy t&t action. witch is funny, b/c trek is the show we watch for the "action", and stargates for the action. if so, would those 2 have room for "landon"..14 kids..hahah remember that question? would have archer & hdz. made it offical? then made room for "alexandra juana" hahhaha. would have Q come out? Q v. Shran action..hahha more evil universe action? TOS actors appearing? more TNG folks appreaing? if manny coto would have taken over..if possible would ENT have lasted 10 yrs? would have the theme song been changed into a talkin intro "space the first frontier.." and into a kick arse string music? maybe james whts-his-face made a guest appreance? would the show have so much CGI that it would have caused siezers? would hoshi's, travis, and malcoms charaters been better devloped? would i be calling myself "Tripps_Mistress" right now, instead of "Deanna_T"? well actully no..hahahhhaha. so, yes..maybe the signs were all there. someone take the keys to B&B's italian sports cars, and make those 2 wash windows...AT THE CAR WASH! for $5.15 and ban them from any thing trek, FOREVER! so..woulda think? ps: 2 more wks till micheal and conner t. as a wraith dude! ^_^