Deanna_T / Member

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your on my mind, your on my mind

hi you lovely things. ^^ i know i don't express my love for you guys, but in all reality, i appreciate your company and your comments on my blogs. it's great to now that i have wonderful company waiting for me when i suddenly return after a long disappearance. thanks for being patiece and reading my blogs! your comments are great! :D

no, the vulcans havent taken me, it's just my grades starting slipping because of work, and now i have to repair the damage during the final. u_u so i wont be here till monday.

i have a B- in math. the teach said if i did well on the final, i could have an A. i did have an A! i got a 70 on the last test after the 40 and before that a 90 and a 100. so my wkend is going to be spent doing math and the extra credit.

going to talk to web design teach on monday. did some upgrades on extra credit website. wkend is also going to be spent studing web design. from a B to a C. u_u

art is ok. done.

gov. u_u going to hard core that one. got a 64 on the last test. it's been dropped. clear in that one. test grades: 89, 92, 93= 91.3. if i get a 90 on the final, the grade will sit with a 91 and that's fine wif me.

DAM YOU WORK! I'M STILL BROKE! i work this wkend?

wish me luck. prayers plz.

love you all.

***troi's lil angles*** :P