Sorry I'm late with this report:P. But I got some great stuff for christmas! I got:
A couple of knives, including a kabar hunting knife
Secret Service: Ultimate Sacrifice
Guitar Hero World Tour (complete band set)
The Jurrasic Park Trillogy on DVD
Socks and Underwear (yay)
And about $100
That webcam's gonna be useful:P. I'll probably have a video blog and maybe a video review by february. I say by February because WMM's been acting up a bit lately:|. But then again it almost always acts up:P.
The knives are nice, especially that kabar:P. Secret Service wasnt somethin' I expected. It's really fun, but it isnt the best looking game ever made. The frame rate drops alot, but it doesnt go slideshow on me.
GH:WT is AWESOME!!! Especially the drums! I never got to play the drums on Rockband since I'd only got the standalone game. I already beat the Guitar and Bass career on Expert, the Drum career on easy (almost done with medium), and the Vocals career on Easy. For some reason the game doesnt register my voice well enough to play any higher. It's weird, but I dont care, since I like all of the other stuff better anyway!
I love Jurrasic Park:P.
And I needed socks and underwear.
Everybody loves money, right:P?
If my mom takes me into town next week I'll go to the guitar shop and get either a bass guitar or a new amp. Hell, maybe even a distortion pedal. I'd been saving up money, and alltogether I have $270. That should be enough to get a used high bass guitar, a good amp and a distortion pedal to go with the amp. I'll probably just end up getting the guitar though.
That's all I've got to say for now though, so bis später! lol, I'm gonna start sayin' that from now on:P.