I'll be getting a gold membership and a 1600 microsoft points card in a few days. I'm shipping the Microsoft points card to store since they don't sell it in Wal-Mart, so it will take 3-4 days 'till I get these. Maybe more, it depends on when I order the MS points card. I KNOW I'm getting Geometry Wars 2 and Uno, I just need one more 400 point game. If anyone can give me any good ideas, let me know. I'm already looking at Smash TV and the two original Sonic the Hedgehog games. Just PM me or comment.
Anyway, Soul Calibur IV came out yesterday, and it's getting some pretty good ratings. X Play (G4) gave it a 4/5, and EGM gave it two B+ and an A. Sadly, it did not get Game of the Month, which was given to NCAA Football 09. Now... who the hell came up with that? I like football games and all, but it's not even like Gamespot gave it that good of a rating (7.5/10). Someone needs to send EGM a letter with a hand that slaps everyone in the face.
As for why the blog is called "BLASPHEMY!!!"... I don't know. It's just fun to say.