God I'm bored
by DeathHeart95 on Comments
I am bored. My friends are on vacation, I'm not getting any better at guitar so I'm stuck playing East Jesus Nowhere (YouTube it if you haven't heard of it) over and over again, and my brother is playing Harvest Moon 24/7 so I can't play Overlord 2 which I just got. Overlord is really fun, excluding one extremely boring part where you had to sail around and find keys to open a door. Although you did send baby seals into a minefield which exploded and killed an elf which could as well been the president of PETA. That was good. But yeah, the camera is annoying, but it is just plain FUN, which is what games should be in the first place. I got a guitar by the way. I should probably be practicing right now, but I have to babysit my brother and sister, and I don't want to hear them complain when I bring my guitar downstairs and start playing. I have learned all of two and a half songs so far (Smells like Teen Spirit, East Jesus Nowhere, and half of Welcome to Paradise), so it's starting to get repetitive. I would write songs, but I don't know scales or music theory at all yet, so I can't write a half decent song. One of my friends also plays guitar, but he's already in a band with two guitarists, which is pretty much the most you can have unless you're Lynard Skynard or Slipknot. I still suck anyway. Guitar is a lot more challenging than saxophone though, and I still don't seem to have the hang of strumming the correct strings on a consistent basis. Comes with time I suppose. Actually, I also have Lost Planet now, but my computer can barely run it, even though it has most of the "recommended" system requirements. Also, the game won't let me play online yet, do I have to beat the game first or something? Whenever I click on online play the game just gives me a beeping noise and nothing happens. I mean, the single-player is okay, but I want to play online! The whole T-ENG thing is kind of annoying, as it feels like I'm rushed, even when I have over 1500 T-ENG. Not to mention that I often have to run out of cover to get the T-ENG, and ironically take damage, and lose T-ENG. T-ENG is a stupid name anyway, why can't they call it, I don't know... ENERGY? Although I like the fact that you have to hit the Akrid's weak spot to kill them, it adds an extra element of strategy. Basically, the game is meh so far, but I'll play on and see where it goes. By the way, I've been a GameSpot member for 1 year over two weeks ago. Didn't even notice. =P See you guys later.