Lost Odyssey frustration. *Spoilers* I got to the first really big boss of disc four, and it's a freaking epic battle. It took me two tries, which took around a total of forty minutes. You heard me right. This dude had so much HP (over 10,000), that it took so long. Plus, I had to spend a couple turns just healing.
But I beat it, so I was happy. I went to find a save point, but there wasn't one I could find, so I just decided to go to the next area and save there. Little did I know that I would get stuck in another battle, which was actually fairly easy. Of course, now I have to fight four more of these guys before they can destroy a city. I kill two of them fairly easily. All of a sudden, on the third guy, an attack that was hitting 200 damage before is now hitting 2,000 damage. That is a one hit kill for most of my characters. I die. At this point, it's really late and I have to go to bed. I quit. I check later, only to see that I'm now before the epic boss. I'm pissed as you can imagine. About an hour's worth of work just erased.
It's kind of turned me off to the game. I'm probably just gonna look up a guide for the boss so I can beat it as fast as possible. I basically beat it without a guide anyway, so I have no guilt for that.