I'm hoping I can get it today. I'll almost definetely get it by the weekend. Once I get my Gold membership I'll also get Uno. So here will basically be my schedule once I get Gold... this goes void September 3rd.
NOTE: All times are Eastern
9 (maybe a little earlier, maybe a little later)AM-12 PM: Battlefield: Bad Company
12PM-6PM: Either not on Live at all, or Battlefield Bad Company.
6PM-6:30 PM: Dinner
6:30-9 PM: Battlefield Bad Company
9 PM-10 or 10:30 PM: Arcade game
The Arcade game will be Uno, Geometry Wars Evolved 2, or Castle Crashers/Soul Calibur/Puzzle Quest.
I want to play Conquest on BF:BC so freaking bad... :(
EDIT: Getting Gold this weekend. Probably Saturday.