Yes, Nexon has a new game, Combat Arms. It isn't quite as new as Sugar Rush, which is going into open beta, but it is fairly new. It is an arcady shooter (arcady meaning not realistic) with four modes and six maps. The modes are Capture the Flag, Elimination (first team to a set amount of kills wins), One Man Army (same as elimination except every man for himself), and Search and Destroy, which is the same exact thing as the Call of Duty 4 version. If you haven't played Call of Duty, then Search and Destroy is a mode where there are two teams, and each team has two places where you can plant a bomb. At the same time, if you die, you are done. No respawns. Your team wins a round by either defusing a bomb planted at one of their bomb spots, detonating a bomb at the opposing team's bomb spots or eliminating everyone on the opposing team. If the other team planted a bom and you killed everyone on the other team, you still have to defuse the bomb. Now, because you can actually win from defusing the bomb, this mode has a lot of strategy about when to plant a bomb, whether to wait for the other team to plant a bomb and defuse it, where to plant a bomb, etc.
This game also has ranks. You get ranks by getting experience from matches. The better you do in a match the more experience you get. Ranks range from Recruit all the way to General of the Army. You can see the ranks here. The General Ranks are actually based on your experience compared to everyone else. For example, there can only be one General of the Army, and that person is the person with the most experience, there can only be three Generals below him/her, etc. Now it takes forever for me to level up and I'm only a Private...
Anyway, the maps are Cold Seed (fantastic for Capture the Flag, in my opinion), Junk Flea (a very popular map, especially for elimination), Pump Jack (best map for CTF in my opinion), Snow Valley (SNIPE FEST), Gray Hammer (not very popular), and Warhead (again, not very popular). I'm personally not a fan of Cold Seed, as it is pretty hard to defend in capture the flag for one of the teams and rediculously easy for another. It is great for CTF, but it is very unfair.
Anyway, I suggest you play. It is a fun game, especially if you have xFire or something that (which I don't...). If you do decide to play, I'm FinalHeart and at this point I'm a Private. If you really need proof that I am FinalHeart, which you really shouldn't, my k/d ratio should be around 1.2 to 1.3.