DeathRaiderut2k Blog
Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition first impression!
by DeathRaiderut2k on Comments
well i started playing resident evil 5 gold edition, and with the psn down i havent been able to experience online play for now, but i got up to chater 2-1, and the game seems really fun, the graphics are gorgeous, the story is interesting, the gameplay is okay i only hate the fact that when u aim your gun you cant move around? you kinda just stand still and get the abilty to aim, same with your melee attack, so its kinda weird, this is the first resident evil game i have ever played so i dont know if this is genre speicific or if im doing something wrong, but i guess it is what it is. but so far i give the game 1 out of 2 thumbs up, ill let you guy know more later on in the game, hopefully by then psn will be back up and running and i can explore co op and other online features!
Stupid Sony/Hackers
by DeathRaiderut2k on Comments
I am soooo tired of all this stuff, my entire weekend was runied do to psn being down, and i can only blame sony and hackers, first of all sony should have had a back up plan all businesses have plans to initate during a worst case scenario and im shocked to find that sony didnt have that, second of all i m really dissapointed that sony didnt handle all psn users private information in a better way, now i dont know who the hell has my private information, now to the hackers, whats your problem sony relased a system for you to play games on, why do you got to hack it and share it with the world, if your gonna hack something keep it to yourself, if someone cant hack they shouldnt be given the means to do so, hackers why do you got to take things to the extreme, whats your problem sony is a business with profit as its main objective if you dont or cant afford to game dont buy the system to begin with, ruin all the fun for everyone else that just not fair at all. Im soo upset this is the last consol i ever buy im going back to pc gaming, booo sony and booo hackers!
First Impression Brutal Legend
by DeathRaiderut2k on Comments
Alright everyone like i said in my previous posts im letting you guys in on what i think of brutal legend so far, i dont know why i decided to play brutal legend rather then resident evil 5. I guess i just felt that i needed some laid back gaming and Brutal Legend rocks that, the game is great so far im at 20% completion last i checked and the game is fun, wish i would have played it sooner, story is unbelievable but it works and jack black makes it pure jokes, and the rocking sound track is the best, a great game for anyone who loves rock, and some hack and slashing fun, the game also has some RTS in it as but its kind of a mix of the two if you ask me. i reviewed the game a few mins ago gave it a 9.0, ill write a full review when im at least at 50%, ill try to get on resident evil 5 and give u guys my impression of the gold edition, so keep an eye on my blog :p
Newly bought games!
by DeathRaiderut2k on Comments
Hey guys i just got some new games from, i preordered L.A. Noir which im really psyched for, rockstar games always make hardcore fun games full of content, i guess ill be getteing some bonus stuff to for preordering, YEY cant wait, ill write a blog and review the game as soon as i get a couple hours into it to give you my first impression on the game, i also bough the new resident evil gold edition, never got around to playing resident evil 5 so i guess i might as well get the gold edition to play the full scope, let you guys know about that too, oh and also got brutal legend, the one with black jack? looks like a fun hack and slash and got some good reviews on gamespot so thought id give it a try, cant go wrong for 19.99 lol, so yeah, im really excited games should be delivered to my house within the week!!!
Dragon Age II
by DeathRaiderut2k on Comments
I just cant explain how dissapointed i am with Dragon Age II, its unbeliviably boring! The story, oh what story, ive been grinding away at the game since march 8th and i still dont get what the hell the game is about, all i do is lousy good for nothing quests to get more coin for better armor so i can be better at other lousy quests that dont lead anywhere interesting. What a let down after the amazing story and game play of dragon age origins, i didnt expect this but hey like i said before if the game has the letters EA on it dont waste your time, EA and whoever they partner up with end up selling out for quick profits. Bioware i dont know what the hell you guys where thinking but thanks for ruining dragon age for me, i would think something more interesting would have been appropriate but no, i story about a character who flees his home town of lothering only to start a new life in kirkwall, wow, okay maybe that would have been interesting if something cool happened like the blight attack the city gates and you have to take it back, or flemith did someting other then appear in the beggining of the game get you all excited then dissapear, oh yeah thanks alot for that also mentioning Morrigan but nothing else after that (well i might be quick to judge cause i am only at act 2, but still boringggggggggggggg). i dont know i preordered it wasted 59.99 so iam gonna finish the game, but i swear if it doesnt pick up im gonna friggin lose it!!!
playstation 3
by DeathRaiderut2k on Comments
hey guys time for another one of my rants and complaints!
this time im upset at the sony playstation 3. i got one the very first day it was released in north America. i was exciting and proud of my decision to get one, but recently the playstation seems to be a huge mistake, since i got my first one which died from the YLOD i then bought two more one for my little bro and one for myself, but i still dont know why i did. playstation promised a lot of stuff and took a lot away, one of the main reasons i bought one was for the other os feature which was taken away from me so abruptly, and then they have the nerve to create subscriber plus or whatever that gimmick is. special features for ppl who pay extra, like wth, thats not cool. not to mention the lack of games for the system that our worth actually buying and playing, i bought all the main games that came out and the one i play the most call of duty can be played on the xbox too, i dont get why there are no playstation exclusive games that our worth playing. the system lags with most games, was it gonna kill them to put in a bit more ram? 256 is hardly enough if u ask me. but there is alot of good it plays blue-ray movies which i have yet to do, another sony scam to make more money, the hd dvd's where allot better and cheaper if you ask me. sony is going down, they used to be the pioneers in creating new and exiting technology now there just playing catch up. common sony make me proud get some more games for the ps3 and why do you have to lock all the game saves, i miss being able to take my save games to a friends house to play on another system when ever i like and share save games with a friend, whats the big deal if someone get a save game off a friend? i dont get it, i have a system that if it goes down like it did before with YLOD i have to restart all my games from scratch, just stupid and annoying. well i dont know if its sonys fault that they have the locked save games of if the game dev's are to blame but still wth, neways now im getting into another topic which ill probably touch base on next time. well heres from me, hopefully one of my blogs sooner or later will be a more positive one lol, but being pessimistic is much easier!
Gaming Today
by DeathRaiderut2k on Comments
Well this is my first blog and i decided to talk about one of the many things i love, Video Games, okay guys is it me or what, gaming isn't what it used to be, yes we got the graphics, and advance technology, we got textures, physics, and much more, but i still long to play my old 2D games, its as if they had more care in them. compared to today's games they seem simple and easy but when you get into one you feel like its more complicated, we didn't have the bugs and glitches we have today, and if there was a bug or glitch is was limited. today games are popping out like a can of pop from a vending machine. no love or care, the only company i can say that puts love into there games is Rock star games, they are the only company i have the most respect for, dishing out hours of game play, that immerse you in words that are realistic and compelling. i especially hate EA games, most of there games are full of it, the only thing EA games is interested in, is money and lots of it, all there games are lousy, sorry for any EA game fans out there but its the truth and you know it. although recently i have noticed EA games has been trying to come back to there once strong selves, but its gonna take a long time before they earn my respect again. well anyways i emptied my mind on that topic and i think I'm gonna get to playing some Red Dead Redemption, till next time!
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