DeathRaiderut2k's forum posts
don't you just hate the game, i thought it sucked SO BAD.Dragon Age 2. I've been playing it for weeks.
Thanks, but I will blame Sony for having outdated security to begin with that allowed the hackers just to stroll right in and take what they wanted. I completely agree Sony should have taken better care with all of our private information, i lost full respect for them! at the same time i dont understand what hackers gain with ruining online play for everyone? people need to go out into the sun once in a while![QUOTE="AudioPrison"]So stop blaming Sony and be annoyed at the Hackers, their the ones that caused this.OmenUK
although i hope its up tommorrow i really doubt it, my guess is it takes longer then this week, do to some sort of "delays"
i like killzone 3 better then resistance, Resistance was so boring, and the multiplayer wasnt all that great, Killzone is somewhat fun and the multiplayer is alot more fun, i hate both games tho but if i had to choose Killzone would have to be the winner i guess
No way the ps3 hasnt even reached its climax yet, i doubt will be getting a ps4 any time soon, Long Live PS3, well thats at least until u get ylod, LOL, not to mention i cant afford a new system yet!
Harvest Moon for the PS3
Dragon Age 3
Red Dead Redemption 2
But i really wish for Harvet Moon for the ps3 out of everything i dont know what it is about a farming sim game but i love it, i played almost all the versions was quite dissapointed to not have seen a release for the ps3, Comon Natsume give me harvest moon for the ps3 :D lol
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