Hope every1 has a gud year ahead
i'm only using GS for answers and videos now so here socially i'm dead XD
Hope every1 has a gud year ahead
i'm only using GS for answers and videos now so here socially i'm dead XD
Well seeing dat OT is getting clustered with my brute links and also seeing that its a funnnnnn game for no good reason i just hadta post this link http://deathrebellion.mybrute.com
its a pretty fun game check it out its kinda a bummer that u can't control the fight but that just adds to the fun knock urselves out :P
alsoin other news i wuz shifthin my home hence my i wuzn't onl9 for2 weeks or so
and if any1 wants to check out my art be sure to hepl urselves @ www.deathrebellion.deviantart.com i'm gettin tried of posting my Picz in GS
ahhhhh........... atlast i finished GTA SA i bought the CD four times :shock: the 2nd time i gave up for a year :shock: then the 3rd time i got soooo pissed that i hadta buy it again and *phew* altast i'm done :D
Whoa German band Tokio Hotel is awesome.......>>>>>>>>> they were only 12 when they started :shock:i can't believe that they'r german. try the song -Ready Set Go here's the linkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XA6S-qO2m3A enjoy
C'mon i want the truth how many of u guys and gals don't own a PS3 and is stuck with a PS2?????:twisted:
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