on November 21st ill be saving the world from the zombie hordes saving America from invading forces tear hell lose through rome and race exotic cars on some of the best tracks around the world
Ms has other games being developed and they could always bring back mechassault crimson skies rally sport challenge perfect dark and a few others including a new conker games.
Sony fanboys out in fool force poor fools do anything to discredit ms and xbox one. I remember when ps3 came out and you same guys were saying how superior it was over xbox 360 and we know how that turned out 4 good games and the rest were ether mediocre or just crap naughty dog seemed to be the only ones to really come through with good games for ps3 Killzone was junk gt5 was horrid and the fact that it took years beyond the original planed release date made it worse twisted metal was ok and the first resistance was good the last two sucked so yeah but no ill stick with xbox one till Sony comes out with something worth purchasing a ps4
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