First of all, I'm currently being overloaded with easy, yet long, pointless, and time-consumingmath problems such as 4(2(-5x+y)-y)-10(y-4x) and -50+(-2)(3(1-f)-3(-2+f), taking a minute and a half each. And the sad part is, I'm in an honors class (I got good intelligence genes :P), yet we are forced to spend forever simplifying easy problems that take as much time as it takes to figure out why the hell I'm posting this.
Second of all, I recently broke my own badass record in guitar-playing, playing my two best songs, "Tarantula" and "Readymade", rocking each solo, improvising here and there, and actually figuring out what the difference between my solo and Corgan's "Tarantula" solo is, and the difference between "Readymade" and my solo. "Tarantula" is a very basic mistake. I was missing an open note during the solo, which creates a more filled solo. "Readymade", my fingers had been too tense before, and when I let them just glide across the strings when I pull off, it's easier. I'm learning "Outshined" (a little late learning it, as I believe, only Elmis will know what I mean by that), and if I figure out how my family's digital camera can take, I should have some new videos eventually.
Third of all, my computer was recently reapaired, with minimal memory loss (I've been using a different computer for a while), but my library lost "Zeitgeist" and "Gish", both by SP. "Zeitgeist" I own the CD, no problem, but "Gish", I couldn't find in stores, so I just got it off iTunes. I'll but a copy, and then download "Machina II", (I also lost, but not a big deal), then buy "Machina I", and "Adore", the ones I don't have.
Fourthof all, every song Smashing Pumpkins played at the L.A. Invasion, is now on YouTube, so I will post them in order of when they were played is now on YouTube ("1979" and "To Sheila" are combined). video is two songs, wait after 1979 is done, there's the beginning of "To Sheila" end of To Sheila)
This next oneis in there somewhere, I think after "To Sheila", not sure though.