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An Elmis Inspired List

I've decided to make a list of songs that should be in the next Guitar Hero or Rock Band. I still have yet to play Rock Band. but it sounds a lot better than GH. Here we go:

1. "Alive" by Pearl Jam

Yes this was on Elmis' list too, but I can't stand that "Evenn Flow" and "Life Wasted" were thought of for use before "Alive". This has easily one of my five favorite guitar solos ever (maybe single favorite ever), and the riffs reek of bottom-kickocity.

2. "Superunknown" by Soundgarden

This is an unusual pick. "Superunknown" was an incredibly popular and overall amazing album, but this was never even released as a single. Okay, now listen to the song, and tell me that opening riff isn't badass. Contiinue listening, the chorus riff is also awesome, but wait, there's a guitar solo! It's insanely fast, and would be hard to play in the game. This could be on Rock Band because it has awesome drums, bass, and vocals as well.

3. "Geek USA" by The Smashing Pumpkins

Another song shared on Elmis' list, but I've been hoping for this song to get on GH for about a year. The riffs would fit perfectly into the gameplay, and that solo, wooo.

4. "In Your Honor" by The Foo Fighters

In my opinion, the best song of "In Your Honor", easy. I can picture playing it on Rock Band easily, from the awesome chord progressions (and I believe octaves somewhere in the song, not sure), and incredible drumming, it fits perfectly.

5. "About A Girl" by Nirvana

A great song, that would take a little engineering to get work in a game, but I can picture the solo riff fitting greatly in the game.

6. "Electioneering" by Radiohead

Tell me those riffs aren't mind warping.

7. "Animal" by Pearl Jam

Another PJ tune would be perfect in here. This is a better candidate than "Even Flow" and "Life Wasted" combined, and those songs rock too, this one just rocks harder).

8. "Readymade" by Red Hot Chili Peppers

I can see this working pretty well.

9. "The Righteous and the Wicked" by The Red Hot Chili Peppers

This song has some of Frusciante's best riffing ever. The interlude would work perfectly in the game.

10. "Mayonaise" by The Smashing Pumpkins

This would be strictly playing lead, rythm would be no fun,

11. "Rusty Cage" by Soundgarden

If I ever trust an opeing riff to turn somebody onto a band, I'll trust this one.

12. "Mommy's Little Monster" by Social Distortion

They miserably failed at putting "Story of My Life" in GH III, but this could make up for it.

13. "Teen Age Riot" by Sonic Youth

This would be nearly impossible to put in the game, but if they got it right, it would be very fun.

Now, I dug up an old survey from Elmis' profile, about the only survey that's been pushed at me that I haven't responded to.

1. Is your name really Elmis?- Obviously no because that's not even Elmis' name.

2. Are you of the male persuasion- If that means I'm a guy, then yes.

3. Are you 16 years old- Nope.

4. Do you wonder whether you will use periodic phenomena outside of Math?- I'm in Algebra 1/2 (highest my grade can get), how the f**k should I know.

5. Is Pearl Jam the greatest band of all time- Yes.

6. Is Eric Clapton God?- To quote, "you can't argue with vandalism."

7. Arer you fly-kicks almost as badass as Jackie Chan's- ALMOST? Five times as badass.

8. Why aren't chicken shops badass like Jackie Chan's fly kicks?- If the place is good, and you're the customer, they ae as badass. For working there, I have no clue.

9. I don't know where your from- Who said that?

10. Where are you from- California

11. I work in a chicken shop and it seems rather badass, what do yout hink?- ?????????????

12. Do you like Chuck Norris- No, he's selling out his roundhouse kick, plus he's nothing compared to my fly-kick.

13. What is your favorite song of all time?- I don't know for sure, "Alive" by Pearl Jam, "Mayonaise" by The Smashing Pumpkins", "Fight Like A Brave" by RHCP, "Fake Plastic Trees" by Radiohead (thank you Elmis for addicting me to this song).

14. Why not? You have a favorite band?- Well, not rwally thers's a three way tie.

15. What do you think of The Arctic Monkeys?- Read the name, and that's all yo uneed to know, then pray you don't hear a song by them on the radio.

16. Favorite TV show?- South Park, Heroes, The Colbert Report

17. Why?- They kick-bottom.

18. What do you think of Lost?- If this comes on, do me a favor and shoot yourself in the head for watching it.

19. What do you think of Prison Break?- Not as bad as Lost, but it still reeks of bottom-suckingness.

20. What do you think of Curb Your Enthusiasm?- Pretty funny.

21. Did I just waste my time reading some useless FAQ?- I sure did.

22. Why?- Because I'm bored, and it's either this, or reading a crappy book.

I'm also going to make a guitar video of "Alive" because without vocals, the song is a little empty.

I'll also record "Mayonaise" very soon. Following that, I should record something esle, like "Silver Rocket" (my noise jams kick some bottom).