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*insert clever title here*

No that title wasn't intended as a joke, I just couldn't think of a title. Sorry that a combination of not being in school and playing too many video games has fried my brain (although worth it, I suppose).

Recently I've had nothing too interesting to blog about. I've spent the beginning of summer playing tons of volleyball (winning the final 4-day tournament, giving our team the 1 seed at Junior Olympics), and just sitting around, mostly playing video games. I promised to not mention video games in this blog, but I'm not a man of my word, and it's only one or two paragraphs. If you really actually care I've indicated where the section for games begins and ends.


First off, The Conduit. I drooled over it forever, waiting impatiently, then finally I get it. Worth the wait? I'm not even sure. The multiplayer is absolutely fantastic. Little to no lag online, a variety of modes make every fight a little different. I could spend hours playing online and not get bored. The single player is just good, not great though. Very challenging and you get to use a great variety of weapons, but like with all FPSes being released today, you do have the feeling of "I already did this in the last level." Nothing really against it, it's the way every modern FPS is (with the exception that critics j!zz their pants over the other ones, not so much with TCon), but it feels like you're getting gipped when you could be playing something else. All that aside, the controls are the best of any FPS I've ever played, the graphics are outstanding for the Wii, and I'm having fun with it. All in all an 8.5-9.3, depending on how it holds up. If I continue playing multiplayer a lot, it'll score high, if I move on within a few weeks, then it'll get towards the lower end. So game of the year so far? No, but best FPS on the Wii, and a definite buy? Yes. But game of the year has been awarded to a new title, one you wouldn't expect out of me.

Wait, an Xbox 360 game as GOTY? That's right. But Dee you don't have a 360 or PS3! Well, no, I don't, but my friend brought his over and we played from (I sh!t you not) 8:30 PM to 5:30 AM, with no breaks, taking 25 minute shifts. It was a desperate attempt to beat the game in one night. Then we slept for 6 hours and played for one more hour. Did we succeed? Not quite, we have about an hour and a half left to go. But did I thoroughly enjoy every last minute I played or watched the game? Yes. Not very often a game that I can play for 9 straight hours comes along. In fact, this game may just have sold me on a 360. I'm looking at some eBay bids, and this one comes with 7 games, and if it doesn't go too high I'm taking it. Having one great system is nice, but you have to settle for a great game every once in a while with one that's just good in between every one. With a 360, I'll constantly have a great game to play (especially with the three great ones that come with the bid, and Bioshock and Mass effect which I'll buy both used). Of course this is all just a plan, I may just stick to only my Wii, seeing as Little King's Story, which is looking more and more like yet another GOTY title stealer as I come closer to getting it. Oh yeah, the release got moved to July 21st, which pisses me off because I should have it right now. But oh well, it will come and I will bask in its awesomeness. If it isn't the new best game of the year for me, then something amazing must've come in between now and then.

I really don't know if they could have made the game more childish looking (or the name more wussyish). All the critics are loving this game, and all of them say that its cover, title, and look are about the most misleading things possible. Jyst check out IGN AU's opening paragraph to their review.

IGN: Little King's Story Review

Oh yeah, and because I felt like it I used a patch to get Crossover Games for free on my Mac, so now I can use Project 64 to play Banjo-Kazooie and Tooie, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Paper Mario, and I got Steam to play The Orange Box. Hey I'm going to freaking Atlanta I need something to keep me entertained. Oh yeah and I got a DSi in exchange for old stuff, playing The World Ends With You on it, fantastic game. Yeah, all that.


So like I said, I have just about nothing to talk about. That explains why all I have to talk about is video games, they're easy to talk about (and fun to argue about) and they kill boredom exceptionally well. Basically they've been filling in the void outside volleyball so far this summer. You see, I have had a practice or tournament almost every day of summer so far, so time to get with any friends and do anything has been minimal. I've spent most of the time just watching TV or playing a game, going to practice, coming back, watching TV or playing a game. Sounds boring, but I love it this way, no responsibilities and I can just sit around and be lazy like a fatass and not have to care since I'm working out a ton. In fact the summer won't really change, I'm playing volleyball almost eveery week this whole summer. Camps, beach tournaments, other sorts of training, I'm doing it all.

Of course this also means I might need a lot of extra music for the time I'm at camps and such, so hit me with every suggestion you have. "The Smiths" wore off quickly because although the music is fantastic, and Morrissey writes good lyrics, his voice is slightly intolerable. Still a good album, but not enough to make me listen to it over and over. With that in mind, I'm open to a lot right now, though I'm craving something moderately heavy. I'm feeling an RATM CD, as that's always good for pumping up, perfect for volleyball. If you can think of anything that'll satisfy this, feel free to blurt it out.

I'm trying to milk this blog a little more, but I really can't get anything more out of it. Sorry if I disappointed you, but then again I don't really care.