Line 6 Spider III!!! Well, I'm making a choice. They're the same amp model, but different power levels. I'm choosing between 75 watt, and 120 watt. I realize $100 more for the 120 is ridiculous, but that gives more use to the amp. Say I play at school in the auditorium some time. I want to have something loud enough for everyone to have their ears split, and pathetically, I like the way it looks better, it's wider. The 75, is $100 cheaper, still bigger than my current amp, just as good, but it doesn't have as good reviews on multiple websites. Multiple websites I've seen give the 120 5 stars, and the 75, 4.5 stars. The 75 I realize is still blasting loud, more than enough for practice, and a small show, and I probably will keep it at the same volume, just on this it will (for pratice) be on, about 3, and for the bigger amp, probably 1 or 1.5 on the dial. I'm leaning towards the 75, but hell, this is a Christmas present, I just have to decide what to ask for :P. I usually get one big present from my mom, same from my dad, and then a video game from my step-dad, and then get a bunch of clotes, CDs, and other sh!t from relatives (not to mention gift cards and $$$$$$). I'll head down to Sam Ash and check them out soon. Heres some pics:
Line 6 Spider III 120 Watt
There's a much larger chance at getting the 75 watt one.
Here's two other things I'll get:
Presonus Inspire 1394
Social Distortion Tickets
CDs: I'll get Adore, Vs., Contraband, and many others.
Yup. That's what I asked for (I know I will get the amp, recording system, and tix, rest I'm unsure of).