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...the days go by, water flowing underground..." Best New Wave band/song ever.

I had an immense blog yesterday, all ready, and my internet fukcing freezes. Normally Firefox would restore it, but of course the one itme I actually need it to restore something, it fukcs up. That's two in a row getting screwed. Neither of them even had to do with Wow.

I'll try and make this just as detailed, maybe shorter.

First off, less than a week from seeing Radiohead I'm this close t scoring General Admission floor tickets to see Weezer, and I'll buy some tickets to see Mudhoney in November. I mention Weezer to make Shadow jealous because he's a bigger fan than me, yet I get killer seats to see them and he doesn't. Sorry buddy, I win again. Guess that's one good thing about America, every band comes here. Anyway, some live pictures to make some people more envious.

Oh right, and if I get floor tickets, I'm gonna heckle Rivers if they play "Beverly Hills" or most anything from "Make Believe". From what I've heard, "The Green Album" is good, and "The Red Album" is...well good too. Neither close to the original eponymous or "Pinkerton", but good nonetheless. "Maladroit" I have no idea. And this is at The Great Western Forum, where I saw The Red Hot Chili Peppers, one of my favorite venues (favorite is Hollywood Bowl).

Now Mudhoney

Both should be awesome.

And Shadow, I could visit you by the way. Some churh is raising money to go on a "mission" to "spread the word" in New Zealand, so I could sign up the week before, go, say I'm gonna tell you and then just go mess around. Probably not, but I could. My mom's been saying a bunch of sh!t about needing to go to church. But, my mom would figure out why anyway and would never be caught dead letting me meet someone I met on the internet. Just filling space up here.

And I haven't talked politics much for a while, but I have to discuss the major topic right now. That would be running mates.

First off, Barack Obama's running mate, Joe Biden. Joe Biden was one of my favorites, maybe second to Obama in democratic nominees. I really don't think Obama could have picked any better really I mean, the guy's got over 35 years in the senate, as much foreign policy experience as anyone, the ability to swing a few electoral votes over to Obama, and really, just has a charm to him. He was born in Pennsylvania, so this could put PA in stone for Obama, who already has a sufficient lead in state polls, and swing him Delaware, nearly guaranteeing him the White House. Excellent choice. His experience makes up for any problems Obama had, and with him advising Obama on foreign policy, what could really go wrong?

Now, John McCain's shocking pick, Sarah Palin. First things first, she looks more suited for a librarian's desk than an office in the White House. Second, John McCain's whole big sh!t this whole time, what has kept him within grasp of victory was the whole "Obama has almost no experience," deal. Now he picks a 40 something year old woman who has been governor of Alaska, the third least populated state in the country, for less than two years, and before that, had been a mayor for a town with a population of 9,000. Wow, that's a big resume. I could fit it on the back of my hand. Pathetic for someone in the vice presidential running. The problem Obama's had this whole time, is although many people find that change would be great, some people feel we aren't ready for a woman or black man. Well looky here, McCain cuts off yet another advantage with Palin. Sure, it will guarantee him Alaska, but he was already strongly expected to. It gains him nothing. McCain thinks that by putting a woman on the ticket, he'll get disgruntled Clinton supporters. The fact is though, all the Clinton supporters conservative enough to go to McCain have already gone, the ones who were most pissed off will sit out, the ones who are liberal went to Obama, and the ones McCain already had, that were moderate, will flee due to Palin's extreme right wing stance. The fact of the mater is: McCain is desperate. It may not be by much, but he has won two polls this whole Summer, one faulty one proper, the electoral vote projections all show him losing (some by a little, some by a lot), he's just not projected to win. McCain decided to take about the worst possible choice, over hundreds of other who could have helped. Sure, this shock stole the attention from the DNC, an accomplishment I recognize, but it's negative attention for the most part. If I had a dollar for every time I've read "This is the day McCain lost the election," I could buy a new guitar. And I agree. McCain has shot himself in the foot numerous times during this general election campaign. His backfiring ads, not remembering how many houses he has, calling Obama out of touch despite having a net worth 40 times as much as Obama's, Obama $1.3 million, McCain $40 million (his wife's is 100 times as much as well). I know he's losing democrats because while I've always strongly supported Obama, I had resoect for McCain. Guess what? He lost my respect this year, with good reason. And look up the Keaton Five, it might change your view on McCain. And Palin is part of a gvernment scandal, she abused her power.

Now, after reading this, look at these two pictures.

Obama is young and healthful. He has almost no chance of dying in office, and has no serious medical conditions. Now look at McCain. He's struggled with cancer 4 times throughout his life, and is 7 ears away from the average life expectancy. Chances of him dying in office? Very high, about 50%.

Now say Obama died for some reason. Joe Biden would become president. We'd still have a great president, and although I'd be in shock, I would rest easy about our president.

Now, say McCain died, which is 50 times more likely. I would lose sleep worrying about having Palin as president. We'd have a person in charge of 300 million people, who prior, was governor of a state with less than 700,000 people for not even two years, and had been a mayor for a town with 9,000 people. Not so easing is it?

It's not just woman, but some moderate McCain supporters, as well as more liberal ones will turn to Obama because of Palin's extreme conservative views. McCain's advantage was that not many people are racist to white males, but blacks are still persecuted a bit. I can almst guarantee you there are as many sexists in this country as racists, so McCain lost that. No matter what you look at, he pretty much lost the election for himself by doing this. And when they break the news of Palin being corrupt, it'll be McGovern all over again (McCain, McGovern, see :P).

Whatever, even if none of this happens, Biden will destroy Palin in debates anyway. And Obama debating McCain won't even be a debate, more like a funeral, complete with a BURIAL.

Feel free to argue, especially hp so I can prove you know nothing about politics. By the way, I don't think you've heard a thing Obama's said since December. You saying idiotic things like "(He) will change what?", maybe you should check in to see if he has any plans revealed now, which he actually does at this point.

Off the political stuff, I resumed playing Okami. The game's just too good. I think it's one of my five favorite games. The graphics are beautiful, and the fighiting is magnificent.

Ninetails and Orochi are two of the bets bosses ever too.

Can't find a Ninetails picture :(

I'm not giving a promised date for the reviewtastic blog because I don't know when it will be. "Pink Flag" came in and I'm picking it up tomorrow, and my step-dad gave me $20 for some strange reason (mainly he was half drunk, and I supported his four man volleyball team at a tournament all day when I could be doing other stuff, I guess), so that combined to what I already have, I can get "Stop Making Sense" by Talking Heads, "Marquee Moon" by Television, "The Green Album" by Weezer, and "Discovery" by Daft Punk as well. I need to see some movies I promised for the reviews, and I'll need to let these albums sink in, but it'll come soon enough.

Nothing else to talk about...maybe a little but I'm sick of typing and thinking. Go home.