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"I will hold the candle...

...'til it burns up my arm..." From one of my two favorite albums together. It's a softy on a pretty rocking album.

I'm sure some of you have heard the new,s and others haven't, but, well...


Now, some of you may be thinking, "Wow, great, who cares?" But for me, this is a big deal. I strted supporting Obama lightly in early December, and began supporting him more and more. Soon, I was a part of what some people would call the obsessive supporters. I checked polls every day, watched CNN on every primary and caucus day, and cheered when he won, and tried to sugarcoat when he lost. Well, it all worked out for me. The one I supported came out on top, something unusual. In 2000 (I was in Kindergarten or 1st Grade, but we had a little school election for fun), I supported Al Gore. In 2004, I didn't give a flying sh!t, but Bush seemed to f**k up a lot, so I wuld have liked having John Kerry instead. Now, in 2008, Barack Obama is the first African-American presidential nominee in the history of the U.S.. Even if you don't care about politics, you have to recognize that achievement.

Now, he enters the general election battle. Surprisingly enough, tonight, the way he spoke about Clinton, and the way she spoke about him, it sounds like there's a shot at an Obama-Clinton ticket. A pretty good one at that. I believe that if Obama were to choose Clinton as his running mate, he would be locked in as the almost definite president, and her the definite VP. If he chooses someone else, it will remain a close race. Many of you are talking about how some people just won't want a black as president *cough*Shadow*cough*. Oh excuse me, I have a cold (no, seriously, I do). But you have to think a little harder. The states where the amount of people who wouldn't support Obama for that reason are already states that he is projected to lose. All the midwestern and South states, except Colorado and a few semi-rednecky states that he dominates in for whatever reason, are all red on the electoral college estimates. Shadow also pointed out that some people would just tell a pollster that they would vote for Obama, just to not appear to be a bigot, but he doesn't seem to understand what kind of poll it is. They anonymously ask you who you want to vote for. And even if you didn't feel ready to have a black man as president, why wouldn't you just say you liked John McCain better? They don't ask you why, you just say why and that's that. There is no doubt that Obama's ethnicity will play a factor, but when else (bar Bill Clinton's election) has a democrat actually won most of the southern and middle states? It doesn't make a difference is my point.

One last argyment I have is based on youth. It has been proved numerous times that Obama appeals better to young people than any other candidate (as proved by myself as well in a school survey for Current Events) right? And there are millions of new voters going into the polls this November. In fact I know a few like that who do indeed support Obama. I've read quite a few articles about this, and they all seem to convince me that it could help him edge out. I would appreciate if hp and/or Tweek (who hasn't been here for a while) don't talk about being 17 or 18 and supporting McCain because young as they are, they are two people. Anybody else this goes for you too.

I'm not saying this will be an easy victory. Iff the electionb were tomorrow, I strongly believe that Obama would win by the smallest margin. It would be in between a 3 to 10 electoral vote difference, but be enough for him to win. I would appreciate if no one rains on my paraderight now, as me and a few friends are strong Obama supporters. I'm sorry, but netiehr any of you nor I have the knowledge that political analysists have, and they don't think of race as much of a problem to Obama. They think it makes a differenc, but not big enough.

Watch this blog rake in a whopping two comments or something. Nobody is interested in the election besides me, NYBrian, and a few others. Shadow always comments on my blog (thank you), so maybe two or three comments and my response. Bye.