...you wear on the protein delta strip" I expect Elmis, Indie, and possibly Shadow and Jacob to get this. It should prove tough to most.
I'm am absolutely befuddled. I got 32 comments from you readers on my last blog. I believe 7 or 8 different people posted (excluding myself), but everybody kept coming back and posting more. Thanks for making me feel like I'm entertaining lots of people out here.
Anyways, I'm in a state of...........................err..............................let's say mental confusion. I'm trying to settle on one single favorite band of all time. Only problem is, I've got so many favorites, picking one is hard. I need you to get behind oe band and convince me why they're better than all the others. The most convincing argument will win, and I will likely declare them my favorite band of all time. I'm not looking for an essay here, just tell me why they're the best, and it will convince me, or it won't. If it doesn't convince me, that doesn't mean it's bad, it just means it didn't show me anything.
Why they'd be here is quite obvious. Extreme talent, amazing lyrics, their frontman is crazy, you know, the works. But is there something I'm missing? Is there some tiny element that would push them over the edge and make them my favorite?
Easily the most talented grunge band. Two amazing guitarists, a great vocalist, great drummer, versatile bassist, and to top it off, some of the best lyrics ever written. What could push them over that I haven't mentioned?
The Pumpkins have an extremely unique **** They take grunge elemtns, and toss in a little dream pop, put the blender and high, and get something great. They have an amazing frontman (Billy Corgan, my favorite musician ever) whoshreds like crazy and writes great songs, one fof the best drummers around, and the other two, no matter who they are, always do their job nicely. Sure, Billy is a stuck up a$$hole, or so I've heard, but they more than make up for it.
They're slowly slipping out of their ranking, but I'm giving them a chance to be revived as the favorite. Kiedis can't write lyrics for his life, but Frusciante, Flea, and Chad make up for it with funk filled talent bursts. Kiedis is a great frontman, and when he raps, a great vocalist.
Kind of ties Pearl Jam as the most talented grynge band. First off: Chris Cornell=best vocalist in history. Kim Thayil is an amazing shredder. His solos have the coolest sound imaginable. Ben Shepherd always had an awesome attitude and stage presence, and they had Pearl Jam's current drummer Matt Cameron. They're so talented, they write great songs, what could possibly stop them? For one thing, they're no longer a band. That's their biggest weakness.
Runner-up bands: Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Mudhoney, Sonic Youth
There are the facts, now persuade me!
NOTE: I often talk of my hate for negative campaigns in politics. But remember, this isn't a f*****g election! Attack the bands you don't like at your will. Use videos as examples in comparisons, but convince me dammit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!