...I adcise you wait until it's over..." This is actually my favorite song by this band. It knocks a song of the top ten from last blog.
First off, I want to tell everyone that I'm going to Junior Olympics, so I will most likely not blog for the next four or five days. I'm taking my computer, so I may be able to use the internet on the plane, but it'll most likely cost money at the hotel. I may be on, but probably not.
If anyone has any interest, you can track my results here:
You click on Tournament Schedules/Results, Boys Junior Olympics, then 14 Open (not club). Our team is SCVC 14 Red (not 14 QS), and we are the second seed in the sixth pool. We're overall 5th in the nation, and seeded 7th in the tournament because of the two Puerto Rican teams. Our first pool will be easy, except for our last game, which is once again against that team we played from St. Louis two weeks ago. We barely lost to them in three games last time, so if we take it up just a notch and don't get behind in any games, we can win. The other two teams suck. One of them, my team played in the 1s division last year, and they got a combined total of 22 points over the two games, where we got 25 each time, winning. The other team, who's from Tampa Bay, Florida, barely beat the team we killed, who's from New York when they played them before. Aslong as we get at least 2nd place every day, we can get into the Gold Bracket. Once we're in that bracket, we just need to win one match to get a medal, and two more to win the tournament. We can do it!
I warmed up my skills today with a friend (there a few people there, and I'll explain that later). He set me a bunch of hits, which I killed when the sets were good. I served him until he got 20 perfect passes. He went 20 out of 40. Not bad for his first time. He served me to do the same thing, and I went a 20 for 20. I hope I pass like that at Junior Olympics.
Anyway, I obviously went to the beach today and played a little volleyball, but I also spent most of the time just hanging out with some people. And guess what? One of them was the girl I liked, who I discussed in other blogs.
I chatted with her and the other people a good bit, talked with just her a couple times, and even made her laugh a couple times. I'd say it's not a bad first step for me. Just keep doing the same thing and I've got a decent shot by next year. I need to make sure she's single before anything. I'd bet she's not (I'm not the only one who likes her), so I might just keep an ear open to hear for any break-ups or hook-ups. I think I'm starting off on the right foot.
That's all I really wanted to talk about, but I'll just come up with some pointless crap to make this an actual blog.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZGkRtr3Yxg&feature=rec-fres (little known fact: Frampton is my favorite '70s artist)
That'll be all for today.