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Top 5s of the Year So Far

Well we're almost 2/3 of the way through the year so I felt it might be time for an update on the whereabouts of best movies and games of the year. Sadly I haven't bought many new album releases this year, sticking to some older stuff, only really have a top 2.

It was really hard to pick the order of the movies, as I've really loved every one of these. I had to include a tie for 5th just to make it a top 6 really because I couldn't choose :P. I'm pretty confident in that the top 3 will remain the top 3, although they could shift around a bit, but past that I have no clue which one I like best, so keep that in mind.


5. TIE

The Hangover

The Superbad of 2009. Absolutely pi$$ your pants funny, definitely one you'll want to see a few times.

The Hurt Locker

A stunning, extremely suspenseful film. Without a doubt the best war movie since Saving Private Ryan, and on par with all the great war movies in the last 25 years. I really found it hard not to put this higher up but hey something has to be #5 on a top 5 list.

4. (500) Days of Summer

I actually saw this with my mom on her birthday because she wanted to. I had interest in seeing it, although I was just expecting a pretty good movie, nothing real special. I was treated to one of the best romantic comedies I've ever seen, touching, yet it never forgot how to make you laugh. One I would gladly watch again.

3. Star Trek

Although some people here are saying "Oh, it's shallow, not very deep, blah blah blah," (no offense Lock), but I think you're all forgetting what Star Trek is supposed to be: fun. It was a light speed enthralling blockbuster that got the blood rushing and put you on the edge of your seat. Hell even the critics remembered to put aside harsh criticism and just have a ton of fun (hense, the 83/100 average score). All in all just a hugely entertaining film.

2. District 9

What a year for Sci-fi! The trailers made this movie look like crap. It looked like another humans rule aliens suck Sci-fi money maker. However when the reviews rolled in and it got an average of 81/100, my interest perked up a bit. I was treated to an incredibly original and emotional story, perhaps the best story ever seen in a Sci-fi movie. It mixed drama and social statements (relevant to today I must say) with the hugely entertaining violence Sci-fi is known for. However even with guns that blow people up, and chain guns that gather all the bullets in a giant clusterfukc before exploding at everyone not a Prawn (alien), it was all ignorable when you got into the story. You actually feel for the aliens, and you view them as equal to the people, living beings with lives and goals of their own. More than once did I fear for a prawn's life. By the middle of the film I cared more about the average prawn than all the government b@stards trying to kill it. I'm extremely tempted to put this at #1. EXTREMELY tempted. In fact I'm considering switching it right now. But the #1 is such an amazing film it deserves it at least as much, and honestly I don't know which one I like more.

1. Up

Well shocking isn't it. Ya the fact tht I love anything Pixar practically touches didn't give this away did it? Well I'll go slightly further: this might very well be Pixar's best film yet. It made me cry (first movie EVER to do that), and not only did it do this, but it did it not once, but twice! Okay one time I teared up but didn't cry, the second time tears full out ran down my face, BUT STILL THAT'S AN ACCOMPLISHMENT FOR SOMEONE WHO ONLY SLIGHTLY TEARED AT SCHINDLER'S LIST! Pixar never ceases to amaze me. The first half of the film was the most perfect thing Pixar has ever done. The second half, still amazing, typical Pixar, but they truly outdid themselves on the first half. Well done gentlemen, keep up the good work.

Seems to be a good year for films, so let's check in on the video game report.

5. Mad World

You know it's a good year for games when I start a top 5 countdown with a game that I originally scored a 10/10 and hailed as one of the Wii's best games. Well I've lowered the score to a still superb 9.5 in my mind (because it didn't end up as replayable as I expected), it remains one of the Wii's top games. Nowhere else have I seen such huge amounts of gore, but as they say, the more the merrier!

4. Punch Out!!

If you played this game as a kid, it's one great trip down nostalgia lane. If not, it's a fantastic introduction to one of the great franchises in gaming. Extremely challenging, very addictive, and it just has that great old school feeling. More a puzzle/strategy game than a real boxing game, it interlaces genres flawlessly. Nothing really bad you can say about this game at all. Some could complain about lack of new characters but that's a petty complaint, seeing the old characters come to life in 3-D is better than all the newcomers.

3. Tiger Woods PGA Tour '10 (Wii version)

I'm a bit of a closet golf fan. I don't talk about it much, but I watch any tournament that comes on TV and have always liked playing golf, although I'm not particularly good so I stick to mini golf, and this. The best sports game in years. Ya, in so many years, that it's the best sports game ever made. Absolutely FLAWLESS 1:1 motion control is the highlight. Huge replayability is another huge part of its success seeing how many new modes and courses there are. Start, a career, play a link or two, play disc golf (don't ask WHY), play online, you can even challenge history in past tournaments! What's even better? You can "compete" with the pros in real time during tournaments.

2. [Prototype]

Take Mad World, get rid of quicktime events, add color to the graphics, make another equally amazing story, make a huge sandbox world and add the ability to fly around by shooting blood from your wrists at jet speed velocity like emo Peter Pan (not my quote, but I like it), and you'll get Prototype. I wasn't expecting too much out of this game, just hoping for a good violent game to fill my craving (the Wii leaves a little violence to be desired ya know). However I got one of the most fun games I've ever played. I played this with my friend, trading off every 25 minutes for 15 hours and we didn't get sick of it. At all. Every moment was cherished and when 6:00 AM came, I was disappointed that we kinda needed to stop.


1. Little King's Story

If you didn't know this either you didn't read my last blog, your IQ is 15, or you have a severe case of short term memory loss. Yes I all but expressed will to put out and fukc this game in the last blog, so I assume your sick of it. Haven't heard about it? Good, go read the last blog, it'll kill 25 minutes of your life. One of only 3 games I've ever scored an 11/10 (2 actually, OoT was a 12), meaning it pushes beyond perfection (DUH), which basically means if you have a Wii buy it now you total retard what are you doing pi$$ing your pathetic life away reading this when you could be pi$$ing your pathetic life away playing Little King's Story?!?!?!?! It's much better and it should suck away about 60 hours of your life instead of the 5 minutes on this blog. I've beaten the game and for the first time ever, in any game, I'm going for 100% completion (unless you count Majora's Mask as 100% without all the heart pieces, same goes for OoT and TP), which should take upwards of 100 hours. There's not much else I can say, in the words of a wise poster on a thread about LKS "I can't describe things that are too awesome." Just get the damn game already, if you regret it you deserve the looney bin.